| |
Chip Liability Shift
• The cardholder contacted the issuer alleging that the transaction was fraudulent. • Both the issuer and the acquirer are located in a country or region that has adopted a domestic or intraregional chip liability shift, or that participates in the Global Chip Liability Shift Program for interregional transactions as shown in the below tables. • The transaction was conducted with a counterfeit card at a magnetic stripe reading-only ATM or POS terminal. • The validly issued card was a hybrid card. • The fraudulent transaction must be reported to the Fraud and Loss Database on or before the date the chargeback is processed.""

| |
Failed Travel Merchant Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions Only
Cardholder Dispute
This chargeback takes precedence for Intra-EEA and domestic European Transactions, when the cardholder contacted the issuer claiming a travel service has not, or will not, be provided, and when the merchant is seeking protection from creditors, insolvent, bankrupt or in liquidation, at least one of the following conditions must be met prior to the issuer raising a chargeback:
1. The travel service was covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law, and one of the following: – The cardholder (or traveler) requested reimbursement from the bonding authority or similar scheme and did not receive reimbursement, or the claim was declined. – The merchant, bonding authority or similar scheme (including an insolvency practitioner) stated cardholders (or travelers) should contact their issuer for reimbursement and/or the bond is insufficient. For sake of clarity, the statement can either be a public statement such as on a website, advertisement, or similar, as well as direct communication with the cardholder (or traveler). – For Swedish domestic transactions: no additional requirement. The cardholder (or traveler) is not obligated to request reimbursement from a bonding authority or similar scheme.
2. The travel service was not covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law, or neither the issuer nor cardholder after reasonable effort can determine whether the travel service was covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local lawThis chargeback takes precedence for Intra-EEA and domestic European Transactions, when the cardholder contacted the issuer claiming a travel service has not, or will not, be provided, and when the merchant is seeking protection from creditors, insolvent, bankrupt or in liquidation, at least one of the following conditions must be met prior to the issuer raising a chargeback:
1. The travel service was covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law, and one of the following: – The cardholder (or traveler) requested reimbursement from the bonding authority or similar scheme and did not receive reimbursement, or the claim was declined. – The merchant, bonding authority or similar scheme (including an insolvency practitioner) stated cardholders (or travelers) should contact their issuer for reimbursement and/or the bond is insufficient. For sake of clarity, the statement can either be a public statement such as on a website, advertisement, or similar, as well as direct communication with the cardholder (or traveler). – For Swedish domestic transactions: no additional requirement. The cardholder (or traveler) is not obligated to request reimbursement from a bonding authority or similar scheme.
2. The travel service was not covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law, or neither the issuer nor cardholder after reasonable effort can determine whether the travel service was covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law |

| |
Account Listed in Payment Cancellation Service (PCS)
Cardholder Dispute
The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming one of the following: • The cardholder notified the merchant to cancel the recurring transaction and the merchant continued to bill the cardholder. • The cardholder was not aware that the cardholder was agreeing to a recurring transaction |

| |
Lost, Stolen, or Never Received Fraud
• The cardholder contacted the issuer alleging that the transaction was fraudulent. • Both the issuer and the acquirer are located in a country or region that has adopted a domestic or intraregional chip liability shift, or that participates in the Global Chip Liability Shift Program for interregional transactions as shown in the below tables. • The transaction was conducted at a magnetic stripe reading-only POS terminal without PIN as CVM. • The transaction was conducted with a hybrid card. • The fraudulent transaction must be reported to the Fraud and Loss Database on or before the date the chargeback is processed

| |
Improper Merchant Surcharge (intra-European and inter-European transactions
Processing Errors
SURCHARGEAn improper merchant surcharge was applied to the total transaction amount. |

| 10.1 |
EMV Liability Shift Counterfeit Fraud
What caused the dispute?
The cardholder has a chip card, but the transaction did not take place at a chip terminal or was not chip read.Why did I get this notification?
A cardholder is claiming that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction that you processed on a counterfeit card.
The cardholder’s bank determined all of the following has occurred: – The transaction was completed in a card-present environment with a card that was reported as counterfeit, – The transaction qualifies for the EMV liability shift, – The card is a chip card, and – Either of these things occurred: – The transaction did not take place at a chip-reading device (terminal entry capability code was not 5). – The transaction was chip-initiated and, the transaction was authorized online, however, the card processor did not transmit the full chip data to Visa in the authorization request. |

| 10.2 |
EMV Liability Shift Non-Counterfeit Fraud
What caused the dispute?
The most common cause of this dispute is that a PIN-preferring chip card was used either at a non-EMV terminal or a chip transaction was initiated without full chip data.Why did I get this notification?
A cardholder is claiming that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction that you processed on a lost or stolen card, or on a card not received as issued (NRI).
The cardholder’s bank determined all of the following has occurred: – The transaction was completed in a card-present environment with a card that was reported lost, stolen, or card not received as issued (NRI) – The transaction qualifies for the EMV liability shift, – The card is a PIN-preferring chip card, and – One of these actions transpired: – The transaction did not take place at a chip-reading device. – A chip-initiated transaction took place at a chip-reading device that was not EMV PIN-compliant. – The online authorized transaction was chip-initiated without an online PIN and the card processor did not transmit the full chip data to Visa in the authorization request. |

| 10.3 |
Other Fraud – Card-Present Environment
What caused the dispute?
The most common causes of this type of dispute are that you: – Did not ensure that the card was either swiped or that the chip was read. – Did not make a manual imprint of the card account information on the transaction receipt for a key-entered transaction. – Completed a card-absent transaction but the transaction was not properly identified as an internet or mail order/ phone order.Why did I get this notification?
A cardholder is claiming that they did not authorize or participate in a key-entered transaction conducted in a card-present environment. |

| 10.4 |
Other Fraud – Card-Absent Environment
What caused the dispute?
The most common causes of this type of dispute are: – You processed a card-absent transaction from a person who was fraudulently using a payment credential. – The cardholder had their payment credential taken by fraudulent means. – Due to an unclear or confusing merchant name the cardholder believes the transaction to be fraudulentWhy did I get this notification?
The cardholder is claiming that they did not authorize or participate in a transaction conducted in a card-absent environment (i.e., internet, mail-order, phone-order, etc.). |

| 10.5 |
Visa Fraud Monitoring Program
What caused the dispute?
Your business has been identified with excessive fraud levels and the issuer was permitted to dispute the fraudulent transaction identified by VFMP.Why did I get this notification?
Visa notified the cardholder’s bank that the Visa Fraud Monitoring Program (VFMP) identified the transaction and the cardholder’s bank has not successfully disputed the transaction under another dispute condition. |

| 11.1 |
Card Recovery Bulletin
What caused the dispute?
You failed to check the Card Recovery Bulletin (CRB) when required and completed the transaction without authorization request.Why did I get this notification?
The cardholder’s bank determined that both of these occurred: – There was no authorization obtained on the transaction date, and – The payment credential was listed in the Card Recovery Bulletin for the Visa region in which you are located. |

| 11.2 |
Declined Authorization
What caused the dispute?
The most common cause for this type of dispute is processing a transaction after a decline or card pickup response, and you sent the transaction in your capture file without attempting another authorization request (commonly referred to as forced posting).Why did I get this notification?
A transaction was processed after receiving a Decline or Pickup response. |

| 11.3 |
No Authorization/Late Presentment Effective for
Transactions completed on or after 13 April 2024
What caused the dispute?
There are four common causes for this type of dispute: – An authorization was required but was not obtained. – An authorization was obtained, but the transaction was processed for a higher amount. – An authorization was obtained, but the transaction was not processed in time. – An authorization was not required, and the transaction was not processed in time.Why did I get this notification?
A transaction was processed without obtaining the required authorization, or the transaction was not processed within the required transaction processing time limit. |

| 12 |
Transit First Ride Risk (FRR) Claims
(Account Not on File) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System 1. The original transit transaction declined by the issuer was not a properly identified contactless transit aggregated transaction.
2. The issuer declined the original contactless transit aggregated transaction or a subsequent transit debt recovery transaction using a DE 39 (Response Code) value categorized as “Not Claimable”.
3. The acquirer or merchant did not fulfill the criteria for submitting an FRR claim transaction. For example, the merchant submits an ineligible FRR claim to a non-domestic issuer, or did not initiate at least nine transit debt recovery attempts in the 45-calendar day period following the issuer’s decline of the contactless transit aggregated transaction, or the issuer approved a transit debit recovery transaction.
4. The FRR claim transaction exceeded the FRR limit amount applicable in the merchant’s country, as specified in Chapter 5 of the Quick Reference Booklet.
5. The acquirer previously submitted an FRR claim transaction for the same debt.

| 12.1 |
Late Presentment Effective through 12 April 2024
Processing Errors
What caused the dispute?
The transaction was not sent to Visa within the timeframe required.Why did I get this notification?
The transaction was completed past the required transaction processing time limits. |

| 12.2 |
Incorrect Transaction Code
Processing Errors
What caused the dispute?
You processed a debit when you should have processed a credit (vice versa), or a credit was processed when you should have processed a reversal to correct a transaction that was processed in error.Why did I get this notification?
The transaction was completed with an incorrect transaction code (i.e., you meant to send acredit, but you actually sent a sale, and vice versa or a credit refund was processed instead of areversal or an adjustment). |

| 12.3 |
Incorrect Currency
Processing Errors
What caused the dispute?
There are two common causes for this type of dispute: – The transaction currency is different from the currency transmitted through Visa. – The cardholder claims that you failed to offer them a choice of paying in your local currency or that they declined paying in their local currency.Why did I get this notification?
The transaction was processed with an incorrect currency code (i.e., the transaction currency is different from the currency transmitted through Visa; or the cardholder was not advised or did not agree that Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) would occur). |

| 12.4 |
Incorrect Account Number
Processing Errors
What caused the dispute?
The incorrect payment credential was used to complete the transaction.Why did I get this notification?
The transaction was processed using an incorrect payment credential. |

| 12.5 |
Incorrect Amount
Processing Errors
What caused the dispute?
An incorrect amount was keyed in to complete the transaction or the handwritten amount differs from printed amount.Why did I get this notification?
The cardholder submitted a claim to their bank that says one of the following things happened: – The transaction amount is incorrect. – An addition or transposition error was made when calculating the transaction amount. – You altered the transaction amount after the transaction was completed without the consent of the cardholder. |

| 12.6 |
Duplicate Processing
Processing Errors
What caused the dispute?
There are four common causes for this type of dispute: – The same transaction details were entered into the terminal more than once. – The same transaction capture batch was electronically sent to your card processor more than once. – Both the merchant copy and the acquirer copy of the transaction receipt were submitted/deposited. – Two transaction receipts were created for the same purchase.Why did I get this notification?
The cardholder claims that a single transaction was processed more than once using the same Payment Credential on the same Transaction date, and for the same Transaction amount. |

| 12.7 |
Invalid Data
Processing Errors
What caused the dispute?
The common causes for this type of dispute: – An authorization request contained an incorrect transaction date, MCC, merchant or transaction type indicator, Country or State Code, Special Condition Indicator, or other required field.Why did I get this notification?
An authorization was obtained using invalid or incorrect data. |

| 13 |
Merchant Credit Correcting Error Resulting in Cardholder Currency Exchange Loss
Processing Errors
(Incorrect Transaction Amount) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe merchant processed a credit (instead of a reversal) to correct an error which resulted in the cardholder experiencing a currency exchange loss. |

| 13.1 |
Merchandise/Services Not Received
Cardholder Dispute
What caused the dispute?
There are several common causes for this type of dispute: – The merchandise was not delivered and received by the agreed-upon delivery date, time or to the agreed upon location. – The merchandise was not available for pick-up at the agreed location or by agreed date. – The services were not available and/or not provided to the customer.Why did I get this notification?
The cardholder claims that merchandise or services that they ordered were not received by the expected date (or merchandise was unavailable for pick-up). |

| 13.2 |
Cancelled Recurring Transaction
Cardholder Dispute
What caused the dispute?
There are several common causes for this type of dispute such as follows: – The cardholder withdrew permission to charge the account. – The cardholder cancelled the card account. – The cardholder’s bank cancelled the card account. – The transaction was processed after you received notice that the cardholder’s account was closed.Why did I get this notification?
The Cardholder withdrew permission to charge the account for a recurring transaction or you or your card processor received notification that, before the Transaction was processed, that the cardholder’s account was closed. |

| 13.3 |
Not as Described or Defective Merchandise/Services
Cardholder Dispute
What caused the dispute?
There are several common causes for this type of dispute: – You sent the wrong merchandise to the cardholder. – You sent the merchandise, but it was damaged during shipment. – You inaccurately described the merchandise or services at the time of purchase. – You did not perform the services as described.Why did I get this notification?
The cardholder is claiming that the merchandise or services were one or more of these: – Merchandise or services did not match the description on the transaction receipt or other documentation presented at the time of purchase. – Merchandise or services are not the same as your verbal description (for a telephone transaction5). – The merchandise was received damaged or defective. – For travel agency merchant using a Visa Commercial Card Virtual Account that has failed to honor the contractual agreement or the services provided by the travel agency merchant to the Virtual Account holder were not as described in the contractual agreement. – The cardholder disputes the quality of the merchandise or services. |

| 13.4 |
Counterfeit Merchandise
Cardholder Dispute
What caused the dispute?
Merchandise received by the customer has been identified as counterfeit.Why did I get this notification?
The merchandise was identified as counterfeit by the owner of the intellectual property or authorized representative, a customs agency, law enforcement agency, other governmental agency, or a neutral third-party expert. |

| 13.5 |
Cardholder Dispute
What caused the dispute? – The terms of sale were misrepresented for a transaction at a merchant that is any of the following: – Timeshare Reseller or recovers a timeshare reseller fee. – Recovers, consolidates, reduces, or amends existing financial goods or services, including debt consolidation, credit repair/counseling, mortgage repair/modification/ counselling, foreclosure relief services and credit card interest rate reduction services. – Technical Services/Support or computer software being sold using inaccurate ads orthat contains malicious software downloads. – Suggests that an income will be generated or recommends that the cardholder purchases additional items to generate more income. – Advises the cardholder that funds can be recovered. – Outbound Telemarking. – Investment Products when merchant refuses to allow cardholder to withdraw available balance (e.g. binary options). – Trial Periods/One-off purchase where the cardholder was not clearly advised of any further billing.Why did I get this notification?
The cardholder is claiming that the terms of sale were misrepresented |

| 13.6 |
Credit Not Processed
Cardholder Dispute
What caused the dispute?
The most common causes for this dispute are that you: – Did not issue a credit. – Issued the credit but did not deposit the credit with your acquirer in time for it to appear on the cardholder’s next statement. – Have a transaction receipt that should have been voided/cancelled but was not processed.Why did I get this notification?
The cardholder is claiming that they received a credit or voided transaction receipt that has not been processed. |

| 13.7 |
Cancelled Merchandise/Services
Cardholder Dispute
What caused the dispute?
The most common causes for this dispute are: – No credit has been issued/processed for the cancelled services or merchandise that was cancelled or returned. – No credit has been issued/processed due to returns not being accepted, however return policy was not properly disclosed to the customer. – A Timeshare cancellation was not processed within 14 days of the contract or receipt date. – A guaranteed reservation was cancelled and the customer was charged a No-Show Fee.Why did I get this notification?
The cardholder is claiming that they returned merchandise or cancelled services, but the credit has not appeared on the cardholder’s Visa statement. |

| 13.8 |
Original Credit Transaction Not Accepted
Cardholder Dispute
What caused the dispute?
Either the cardholder does not accept the credit, or the issuer does not allow Original Credit Transactions (OCT’s) on certain types of cards due to local law.Why did I get this notification?
The original credit was not accepted. |

| 13.9 |
Non-Receipt of Cash at an ATM
Cardholder Dispute
What caused the dispute?
Cardholder did not receive the full or partial cash from an ATM withdrawal.Why did I get this notification?
The cardholder is claiming that they participated in the transaction, but did not receive cash or received a partial amount at the ATM. |

| 17 |
Cash Dispute-ATM Only
Processing Errors
The cardholder contacted the issuer alleging that some or all of the funds debited from the cardholder’s account as the result of an ATM withdrawal were not dispensed. |

| 30 |
Cardholder Disputed Amount (Reason Code 30)
Cardholder Dispute
The issuer is disputing the acquirer’s adjustment of a Shared Deposit as invalid. The acquirer must have submitted the adjustment six or more calendar days after the original transaction settlement date. |

| 31 |
Transaction Amount Differs
Cardholder Dispute
(Transaction Amount Differs) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming the cardholder was billed an incorrect amount. |

| 31 |
Cardholder Debited More than Once for the Same Goods or Services
Processing Errors
(Transaction Amount Differs) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming one of the following: • The cardholder’s account has been debited more than once for the same transaction. • The cardholder paid for a transaction using one form of payment and was subsequently debited for the same transaction using another form of payment. |

| 34 |
Charges for Loss, Theft, or Damages
Cardholder Dispute
(POI Error)The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming the cardholder was billed for loss, theft, or damage in the same transaction as the underlying initial service. |

| 34 |
Charges for Loss, Theft, or Damages
Cardholder Dispute
Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming the cardholder was billed for loss, theft, or damage in the same transaction as the underlying initial service. |

| 34 |
Cardholder Debited More than Once for the Same Goods or Services
Processing Errors
(POI Error)The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming one of the following: • The cardholder’s account has been debited more than once for the same transaction. • The cardholder paid for a transaction using one form of payment and was subsequently debited for the same transaction using another form of payment. |

| 34 |
Transaction Amount Differs
Cardholder Dispute
Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming the cardholder was billed an incorrect amount. |

| 34 |
Currency Errors
Processing Errors
Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System 1. POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion) was performed and the cardholder stated that the cardholder did not consent to the POI Currency Conversion.
Examples include but are not limited to:
a. The transaction amount is displayed at the POS in the local currency. The transaction is performed in the cardholder’s currency.
b. The transaction amount is displayed at the POS both in local currency and the cardholder currency. The cardholder chooses local currency; however, the transaction is performed in the cardholder’s currency.
POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion) requirements are described in the Transaction Processing Rules, 3.8 POI Currency Conversion.
2. Currency conversion was performed incorrectly resulting in an incorrect amount being deducted from the cardholder’s account as described below: – Goods/services were priced in the cardholder's currency, the cardholder agreed to be billed in that currency, but the transaction was processed in a different currency. For example: A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation in Euro. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed in Mexican Pesos. This chargeback is not available when the cardholder’s currency was displayed for information purposes only. For example: A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation in Pesos and also displayed the amount in Euros for informational purposes. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed in Pesos. – The transaction was processed in the incorrect currency. For example: – A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation for 24,000 Pesos. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed for 24,000 Euros. – A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation in Pesos. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed in U.S. Dollars.

| 34 |
Cardholder Debited More than Once for the Same Goods or Services
Processing Errors
Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming one of the following: • The cardholder’s account has been debited more than once for the same transaction. • The cardholder paid for a transaction using one form of payment and was subsequently debited for the same transaction using another form of payment. |

| 34 |
Merchant Credit Correcting Error Resulting in Cardholder Currency Exchange Loss
Processing Errors
Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe merchant processed a credit (instead of a reversal) to correct an error which resulted in the cardholder experiencing a currency exchange loss. |

| 34 |
ATM Disputes
Processing Errors
Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer alleging one of the following: • Some or all of the funds debited from the cardholder’s account as the result of an ATM withdrawal were not dispensed. • The cardholder’s account has been debited more than once for the same transaction. |

| 37 |
No Cardholder Authorization
(No Cardholder Authorization) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System • The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder did not authorize the transaction. • For Mainland China domestic transactions: The transaction was reported to the Risk Management as fraud in accordance with the China Switch User Guide - Customer Portal on or before the date of the chargeback.
For all other transactions: The transaction was reported to the Fraud and Loss Database as fraud in accordance with the Fraud and Loss Database User Guide on or before the date of the chargeback.

| 37 |
No Cardholder Authorization
(No Cardholder Authorization)Both of the following: • The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder did not authorize the transaction. • The transaction was reported to the Fraud and Loss Database as fraud in accordance with the Fraud and Loss Database User Guide on or before the date of the chargeback. |

| 41 |
Digital Goods Purchase of USD 25 or Less
Cardholder Dispute
(Canceled Recurring Transaction) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer alleging both of the following: • Digital goods were purchased in an e-commerce transaction that was less than or equal to USD 25 (or the local currency equivalent). • The merchant did not offer the cardholder purchase control settings.
In addition, all of the following: • The cardholder's account is not closed. • The cardholder's account is in good standing with no associated fraudulent transactions. • The issuer must determine, based on a challenge of the cardholder, that prior to the date(s) of the disputed transaction(s), the cardholder had provided card information to the merchant in order to establish an account that could be used for future digital goods purchases, but the merchant did not offer or establish the following minimum purchase controls in connection with the use of that account: – The option, enabled as a default setting, for the cardholder to disable all digital goods purchases; – The time period during which a digital goods purchase can be made on the cardholder’s account with the merchant (the “account open” period) must not exceed 15 minutes from the time at which the cardholder enters account authentication credentials; and – Allowing the cardholder to confirm or to cancel the clearly displayed total transaction amount of each pending digital goods purchase before completion of the transaction.
The issuer is advised to ask the following questions when challenging the cardholder and to educate the cardholder on the use of purchase control settings:
1. Was the cardholder given the option to disable all digital goods purchases on the account?
2. Did the cardholder agree (such as by checking a box) to permit digital goods purchases to be made without the entry of a password or other form of authentication?
3. When the cardholder was required to enter authentication credentials to use the account, was the cardholder prompted to re-enter the credentials after a period of inactivity? When known, did that period exceed 15 minutes?
4. Did the merchant site afford the cardholder the option to confirm or to cancel each purchase?
5. Did the cardholder receive notification (such as using email, text, or other means) promptly after each purchase was completed? |

| 41 |
Issuer Dispute of a Recurring Transaction
Cardholder Dispute
(Canceled Recurring Transaction) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemFor Mainland China domestic transactions, one of the following:
1. The issuer previously charged back a disputed recurring transaction with the same PAN and merchant.
2. The issuer previously notified the merchant or acquirer to cancel the recurring transaction prior to the disputed transaction occurring.
For all other transactions, one of the following:
1. The issuer listed the account in the Payment Cancellation Service (PCS) prior to the disputed transaction occurring.
2. The issuer previously charged back a disputed recurring transaction with the same PAN and merchant.
3. The issuer previously notified the merchant or acquirer to cancel the recurring transaction prior to the disputed transaction occurring |

| 46 |
Currency Errors
Processing Errors
(Correct Transaction Currency Code Not Provided) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System 1. POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion) was performed and the cardholder stated that the cardholder did not consent to the POI Currency Conversion.
Examples include but are not limited to:
a. The transaction amount is displayed at the POS in the local currency. The transaction is performed in the cardholder’s currency.
b. The transaction amount is displayed at the POS both in local currency and the cardholder currency. The cardholder chooses local currency; however, the transaction is performed in the cardholder’s currency.
POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion) requirements are described in the Transaction Processing Rules, 3.8 POI Currency Conversion.
2. Currency conversion was performed incorrectly resulting in an incorrect amount being deducted from the cardholder’s account as described below: – Goods/services were priced in the cardholder's currency, the cardholder agreed to be billed in that currency, but the transaction was processed in a different currency. For example: A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation in Euro. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed in Mexican Pesos. This chargeback is not available when the cardholder’s currency was displayed for information purposes only. For example: A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation in Pesos and also displayed the amount in Euros for informational purposes. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed in Pesos. – The transaction was processed in the incorrect currency. For example: – A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation for 24,000 Pesos. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed for 24,000 Euros. – A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation in Pesos. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed in U.S. Dollars.

| 4807 |
CAT 3 Device
(Warning Bulletin) and 4812 (Account Number Not on File) for Dual Message System transactions 1. The transaction was not identified with one of the following MCCs:
a. 4784-Bridges and Road Fees, Tolls
b. 5499-Miscellaneous Food Stores-Convenience Stores, Markets, Specialty Stores (solely for Contactless-only Transactions)
c. 7523-Automobile Parking Lots and Garages
d. 7542-Car Washes
2. The transaction was identified with one of the above MCCs and the transaction amount was greater than one of the following:
a. The CVM Limit as published in Appendix C (CVM and Transit Limit Amounts) for contactless- only CAT 3 devices
b. HKD 500 for domestic Hong Kong SAR CAT 3 transactions identified with MCC 7523 (Automobile Parking Lots and Garages)
c. EUR 50 for CAT 3 transaction occurring in Europe
d. USD 40, or its local currency equivalent, for all other CAT 3 transactions
3. The transaction was a magnetic stripe transaction identified with one of the MCCs listed in bullet 1.
4. The PAN was listed in the applicable Local Stoplist or Electronic Warning Bulletin File on the date of the transaction.
5. The PAN was expired or not yet valid.
6. The transaction occurred in the Europe region with a card that had a service code of X2X (Positive Online Authorization Required).

| 4807 |
Required Authorization Not Obtained
(Warning Bulletin) and 4812 (Account Number Not on File) for Dual Message System transactions • Authorization was required. • Authorization was not properly obtained.

| 4807 |
Expired Chargeback Protection Period
(Warning Bulletin) and 4812 (Account Number Not on File) for Dual Message System transactions • The transaction occurred at a merchant located in the Europe region and the issuer permanently closed the account before processing the chargeback. • The transaction occurred at a merchant located in any other region and the issuer deems the account not to be in good standing (a “statused” account) before processing the chargeback. And one of the following: • The authorization was identified as a preauthorization (DE 61 [Point-of-Service (POS) Data], subfield 7 (POS Transaction Status) contains a value of 4 [Preauthorized request]) and the transaction was presented or completed in more than: – For India domestic transactions: 4-calendar days after the latest authorization approval date. – For all other transactions: 30-calendar days after the latest authorization approval date. • The authorization was not identified as a preauthorization and the transaction was presented more than seven-calendar days after the authorization approval date. • The authorization was identified as a Payment Transaction and the transaction was presented in clearing more than one-calendar day after the authorization approval date. Refer to Appendix E for Payment Transaction transaction identification requirements. • The authorization was identified as a contactless transit aggregated transaction and the transaction was presented in clearing more than 14-calendar days after the authorization approval date. • A refund transaction was presented in clearing more than five-calendar days after the transaction date (meaning day six). For a refund transaction, the transaction date is the date on which the merchant agreed to provide a refund to the cardholder (the refund transaction receipt date, or if the refund transaction was authorized by the issuer, then the refund transaction authorization date). • An offline chip-approved purchase transaction or other transaction not requiring online authorization by the issuer was presented in clearing more than seven-calendar days after the transaction date (meaning day eight).
This chargeback is not available for properly identified acquirer-financed or merchant-financed preauthorized installment billing payments or transit debt recovery transactions.

| 4807 |
Multiple Authorization Requests
(Warning Bulletin) and 4812 (Account Number Not on File) for Dual Message System transactionsA Card-Not-Present authorization was declined by the issuer and subsequently approved in Stand-In or X-Code |

| 4808 |
Required Authorization Not Obtained
(Authorization-related Chargeback) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactions. • Authorization was required. • Authorization was not properly obtained.

| 4808 |
CAT 3 Device
(Authorization-related Chargeback) for Dual Message System transactions 1. The transaction was not identified with one of the following MCCs:
a. 4784-Bridges and Road Fees, Tolls
b. 5499-Miscellaneous Food Stores-Convenience Stores, Markets, Specialty Stores (solely for Contactless-only Transactions)
c. 7523-Automobile Parking Lots and Garages
d. 7542-Car Washes
2. The transaction was identified with one of the above MCCs and the transaction amount was greater than one of the following:
a. The CVM Limit as published in Appendix C (CVM and Transit Limit Amounts) for contactless- only CAT 3 devices
b. HKD 500 for domestic Hong Kong SAR CAT 3 transactions identified with MCC 7523 (Automobile Parking Lots and Garages)
c. EUR 50 for CAT 3 transaction occurring in Europe
d. USD 40, or its local currency equivalent, for all other CAT 3 transactions
3. The transaction was a magnetic stripe transaction identified with one of the MCCs listed in bullet 1.
4. The PAN was listed in the applicable Local Stoplist or Electronic Warning Bulletin File on the date of the transaction.
5. The PAN was expired or not yet valid.
6. The transaction occurred in the Europe region with a card that had a service code of X2X (Positive Online Authorization Required).

| 4808 |
Transit First Ride Risk (FRR) Claims
(Authorization-related Chargeback) for Dual Message System transactions 1. The original transit transaction declined by the issuer was not a properly identified contactless transit aggregated transaction.
2. The issuer declined the original contactless transit aggregated transaction or a subsequent transit debt recovery transaction using a DE 39 (Response Code) value categorized as “Not Claimable”.
3. The acquirer or merchant did not fulfill the criteria for submitting an FRR claim transaction. For example, the merchant submits an ineligible FRR claim to a non-domestic issuer, or did not initiate at least nine transit debt recovery attempts in the 45-calendar day period following the issuer’s decline of the contactless transit aggregated transaction, or the issuer approved a transit debit recovery transaction.
4. The FRR claim transaction exceeded the FRR limit amount applicable in the merchant’s country, as specified in Chapter 5 of the Quick Reference Booklet.
5. The acquirer previously submitted an FRR claim transaction for the same debt.

| 4808 |
Multiple Authorization Requests
(Authorization-related Chargeback) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactions.A Card-Not-Present authorization was declined by the issuer and subsequently approved in Stand-In or X-Code |

| 4808 |
Expired Chargeback Protection Period
(Authorization-related Chargeback) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactions. • The transaction occurred at a merchant located in the Europe region and the issuer permanently closed the account before processing the chargeback. • The transaction occurred at a merchant located in any other region and the issuer deems the account not to be in good standing (a “statused” account) before processing the chargeback. And one of the following: • The authorization was identified as a preauthorization (DE 61 [Point-of-Service (POS) Data], subfield 7 (POS Transaction Status) contains a value of 4 [Preauthorized request]) and the transaction was presented or completed in more than: – For India domestic transactions: 4-calendar days after the latest authorization approval date. – For all other transactions: 30-calendar days after the latest authorization approval date. • The authorization was not identified as a preauthorization and the transaction was presented more than seven-calendar days after the authorization approval date. • The authorization was identified as a Payment Transaction and the transaction was presented in clearing more than one-calendar day after the authorization approval date. Refer to Appendix E for Payment Transaction transaction identification requirements. • The authorization was identified as a contactless transit aggregated transaction and the transaction was presented in clearing more than 14-calendar days after the authorization approval date. • A refund transaction was presented in clearing more than five-calendar days after the transaction date (meaning day six). For a refund transaction, the transaction date is the date on which the merchant agreed to provide a refund to the cardholder (the refund transaction receipt date, or if the refund transaction was authorized by the issuer, then the refund transaction authorization date). • An offline chip-approved purchase transaction or other transaction not requiring online authorization by the issuer was presented in clearing more than seven-calendar days after the transaction date (meaning day eight).
This chargeback is not available for properly identified acquirer-financed or merchant-financed preauthorized installment billing payments or transit debt recovery transactions.

| 4812 |
Transit First Ride Risk (FRR) Claims
(Account Number Not on File) for Dual Message System transactions 1. The original transit transaction declined by the issuer was not a properly identified contactless transit aggregated transaction.
2. The issuer declined the original contactless transit aggregated transaction or a subsequent transit debt recovery transaction using a DE 39 (Response Code) value categorized as “Not Claimable”.
3. The acquirer or merchant did not fulfill the criteria for submitting an FRR claim transaction. For example, the merchant submits an ineligible FRR claim to a non-domestic issuer, or did not initiate at least nine transit debt recovery attempts in the 45-calendar day period following the issuer’s decline of the contactless transit aggregated transaction, or the issuer approved a transit debit recovery transaction.
4. The FRR claim transaction exceeded the FRR limit amount applicable in the merchant’s country, as specified in Chapter 5 of the Quick Reference Booklet.
5. The acquirer previously submitted an FRR claim transaction for the same debt.

| 4831 |
Cardholder Debited More than Once for the Same Goods or Services
Processing Errors
(Transaction Amount Differs) for Dual Message System transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming one of the following: • The cardholder’s account has been debited more than once for the same transaction. • The cardholder paid for a transaction using one form of payment and was subsequently debited for the same transaction using another form of payment. |

| 4831 |
Transaction Amount Differs
Cardholder Dispute
(Transaction Amount Differs) for Dual Message System transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming the cardholder was billed an incorrect amount. |

| 4831 |
Merchant Credit Correcting Error Resulting in Cardholder Currency Exchange Loss
Processing Errors
(Incorrect Transaction Amount) for Dual Message System transactionsThe merchant processed a credit (instead of a reversal) to correct an error which resulted in the cardholder experiencing a currency exchange loss. |

| 4834 |
Unreasonable Amount (EEA, Gibraltar, United Kingdom)
Processing Errors
Dual Message System transactions • The card was issued in the EEA, Gibraltar, or the United Kingdom. • The merchant was located in the EEA, Gibraltar, or the United Kingdom. • The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming the transaction amount was unreasonable. • The exact transaction amount was not specified at the time the cardholder engaged in the transaction. • PIN or CDCVM was not used. • The transaction amount exceeded what the cardholder could reasonably have expected, taking into account the cardholder’s previous spending pattern, the conditions of the cardholder agreement and the relevant circumstances of the case.

| 4834 |
Transaction Amount Differs
Cardholder Dispute
Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming the cardholder was billed an incorrect amount. |

| 4834 |
Merchant Credit Correcting Error Resulting in Cardholder Currency Exchange Loss
Processing Errors
Dual Message System transactionsThe merchant processed a credit (instead of a reversal) to correct an error which resulted in the cardholder experiencing a currency exchange loss. |

| 4834 |
Charges for Loss, Theft, or Damages
Cardholder Dispute
Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming the cardholder was billed for loss, theft, or damage in the same transaction as the underlying initial service. |

| 4834 |
Message Reason Code 4846-Currency Errors
Processing Errors
(POI Errors) for Dual Message System transactionsThis reason code may be used only for intra-European and inter-European transactions when point-of-interaction (POI) currency conversion was applied in the following circumstances: One of the following:
1. POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion) was performed and the cardholder states that the cardholder did not consent to POI Currency Conversion.
Examples include but are not limited to:
a. The transaction amount is displayed at the ATM in the local currency. The transaction is performed in the cardholder’s currency.
b. The transaction amount is displayed at the ATM both in local currency and the cardholder currency. The cardholder chooses local currency; however, the transaction is performed in the cardholder’s currency.
POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion) requirements are described in the Transaction Processing Rules, 3.8 POI Currency Conversion.
2. Currency conversion was performed incorrectly resulting in an incorrect amount being deducted from the cardholder’s account as described below: – Cash was dispensed in the cardholder's currency, the cardholder agreed to be billed in that currency, but the transaction was processed in a different currency. For example: An ATM located in Mexico dispensed the cash in Euro. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed in Mexican Pesos. This chargeback is not available when the cardholder’s currency was displayed for information purposes only. For example: An ATM located in Mexico displayed the withdrawal amount in Pesos and also displayed the amount in Euros for informational purposes. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed in Pesos. – The transaction was processed in the incorrect currency. For example: – An ATM located in Mexico displayed the withdrawal amount as 24,000 Pesos. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed for 24,000 Euros. – An ATM located in Mexico displayed the withdrawal amount in Pesos. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed in U.S. Dollars. |

| 4834 |
ATM Disputes
Processing Errors
Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer alleging one of the following: • Some or all of the funds debited from the cardholder’s account as the result of an ATM withdrawal were not dispensed. • The cardholder’s account has been debited more than once for the same transaction. |

| 4834 |
Cardholder Debited More than Once for the Same Goods or Services
Processing Errors
Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactions.The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming one of the following: • The cardholder’s account has been debited more than once for the same transaction. • The cardholder paid for a transaction using one form of payment and was subsequently debited for the same transaction using another form of payment. |

| 4834 |
Currency Errors
Processing Errors
Dual Message System transactions 1. POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion) was performed and the cardholder stated that the cardholder did not consent to the POI Currency Conversion.
Examples include but are not limited to:
a. The transaction amount is displayed at the POS in the local currency. The transaction is performed in the cardholder’s currency.
b. The transaction amount is displayed at the POS both in local currency and the cardholder currency. The cardholder chooses local currency; however, the transaction is performed in the cardholder’s currency.
POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion) requirements are described in the Transaction Processing Rules, 3.8 POI Currency Conversion.
2. Currency conversion was performed incorrectly resulting in an incorrect amount being deducted from the cardholder’s account as described below: – Goods/services were priced in the cardholder's currency, the cardholder agreed to be billed in that currency, but the transaction was processed in a different currency. For example: A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation in Euro. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed in Mexican Pesos. This chargeback is not available when the cardholder’s currency was displayed for information purposes only. For example: A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation in Pesos and also displayed the amount in Euros for informational purposes. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed in Pesos. – The transaction was processed in the incorrect currency. For example: – A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation for 24,000 Pesos. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed for 24,000 Euros. – A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation in Pesos. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed in U.S. Dollars.

| 4834 |
Improper Merchant Surcharge (Select Countries only)
Processing Errors
Dual Message System transactions • An improper merchant surcharge was applied to the total transaction amount. • The transaction was one of the following: – A Canada domestic transaction. – An Intra-European and Inter-European transaction.

| 4837 |
No Cardholder Authorization
(No Cardholder Authorization) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China • The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder did not authorize the transaction. • For Mainland China domestic transactions: The transaction was reported to the Risk Management as fraud in accordance with the China Switch User Guide - Customer Portal on or before the date of the chargeback.
For all other transactions: The transaction was reported to the Fraud and Loss Database as fraud in accordance with the Fraud and Loss Database User Guide on or before the date of the chargeback.

| 4841 |
Issuer Dispute of a Recurring Transaction
Cardholder Dispute
(Canceled Recurring or Digital Goods Transactions) for Dual Message System transactionsFor Mainland China domestic transactions, one of the following:
1. The issuer previously charged back a disputed recurring transaction with the same PAN and merchant.
2. The issuer previously notified the merchant or acquirer to cancel the recurring transaction prior to the disputed transaction occurring.
For all other transactions, one of the following:
1. The issuer listed the account in the Payment Cancellation Service (PCS) prior to the disputed transaction occurring.
2. The issuer previously charged back a disputed recurring transaction with the same PAN and merchant.
3. The issuer previously notified the merchant or acquirer to cancel the recurring transaction prior to the disputed transaction occurring |

| 4841 |
Digital Goods Purchase of USD 25 or Less
Cardholder Dispute
(Canceled Recurring or Digital Goods Transactions) for Dual Message System transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer alleging both of the following: • Digital goods were purchased in an e-commerce transaction that was less than or equal to USD 25 (or the local currency equivalent). • The merchant did not offer the cardholder purchase control settings.
In addition, all of the following: • The cardholder's account is not closed. • The cardholder's account is in good standing with no associated fraudulent transactions. • The issuer must determine, based on a challenge of the cardholder, that prior to the date(s) of the disputed transaction(s), the cardholder had provided card information to the merchant in order to establish an account that could be used for future digital goods purchases, but the merchant did not offer or establish the following minimum purchase controls in connection with the use of that account: – The option, enabled as a default setting, for the cardholder to disable all digital goods purchases; – The time period during which a digital goods purchase can be made on the cardholder’s account with the merchant (the “account open” period) must not exceed 15 minutes from the time at which the cardholder enters account authentication credentials; and – Allowing the cardholder to confirm or to cancel the clearly displayed total transaction amount of each pending digital goods purchase before completion of the transaction.
The issuer is advised to ask the following questions when challenging the cardholder and to educate the cardholder on the use of purchase control settings:
1. Was the cardholder given the option to disable all digital goods purchases on the account?
2. Did the cardholder agree (such as by checking a box) to permit digital goods purchases to be made without the entry of a password or other form of authentication?
3. When the cardholder was required to enter authentication credentials to use the account, was the cardholder prompted to re-enter the credentials after a period of inactivity? When known, did that period exceed 15 minutes?
4. Did the merchant site afford the cardholder the option to confirm or to cancel each purchase?
5. Did the cardholder receive notification (such as using email, text, or other means) promptly after each purchase was completed? |

| 4841 |
Digital Goods
Cardholder Dispute
Chargeback • Digital goods were purchased in an e-commerce transaction that was less than or equal to EUR 25 (or local currency equivalent) • The merchant did not offer the cardholder purchase control settings. • The cardholder’s account is not closed and is in good standing with no associated fraudulent transactions

| 4846 |
Currency Errors
Processing Errors
(Correct Transaction Currency Code Not Provided) for Dual Message System transactions 1. POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion) was performed and the cardholder stated that the cardholder did not consent to the POI Currency Conversion.
Examples include but are not limited to:
a. The transaction amount is displayed at the POS in the local currency. The transaction is performed in the cardholder’s currency.
b. The transaction amount is displayed at the POS both in local currency and the cardholder currency. The cardholder chooses local currency; however, the transaction is performed in the cardholder’s currency.
POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion) requirements are described in the Transaction Processing Rules, 3.8 POI Currency Conversion.
2. Currency conversion was performed incorrectly resulting in an incorrect amount being deducted from the cardholder’s account as described below: – Goods/services were priced in the cardholder's currency, the cardholder agreed to be billed in that currency, but the transaction was processed in a different currency. For example: A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation in Euro. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed in Mexican Pesos. This chargeback is not available when the cardholder’s currency was displayed for information purposes only. For example: A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation in Pesos and also displayed the amount in Euros for informational purposes. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed in Pesos. – The transaction was processed in the incorrect currency. For example: – A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation for 24,000 Pesos. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed for 24,000 Euros. – A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation in Pesos. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed in U.S. Dollars.

| 4846 |
Intra-European Message Reason Code 4846-Currency Errors
Processing Errors
(Correct Transaction Currency Code Not Provided) 1. POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion) was performed and the cardholder states that the cardholder did not consent to POI Currency Conversion.
Examples include but are not limited to:
a. The transaction amount is displayed at the POS in the local currency. The transaction is performed in the cardholder’s currency.
b. The transaction amount is displayed at the POS both in local currency and the cardholder currency. The cardholder chooses local currency; however, the transaction is performed in the cardholder’s currency.
POI Currency Conversion (Dynamic Currency Conversion) requirements are described in the Transaction Processing Rules, 3.8 POI Currency Conversion.
2. Currency conversion was performed incorrectly resulting in an incorrect amount being deducted from the cardholder’s account as described below. – Goods/services were priced in the cardholder's currency, the cardholder agreed to be billed in that currency, but the transaction was processed in a different currency. For example: A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation in Euro. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed in Mexican Pesos.
This chargeback is not available when the cardholder’s currency was displayed for information purposes only. For example: A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation in Pesos and also displayed the amount in Euros for informational purposes. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed in Pesos. – The transaction was processed in the incorrect currency. For example: – A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation for 24,000 Pesos. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed for 24,000 Euros. – A merchant located in Mexico quoted the hotel reservation in Pesos. The cardholder’s currency is Euros. The transaction was performed in U.S. Dollars.

| 4849 |
Questionable Merchant Audit Program (QMAP)
(Questionable Merchant Activity) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactions • The acquirer name, acquirer ID, merchant name, and merchant location are listed in a Mastercard Announcement under the QMAP. • Each transaction charged back must have occurred during the published chargeback period. • For Mainland China domestic transactions: The issuer must have properly reported the transaction to the Risk Management.
For all other transactions: The issuer must have properly reported the transaction to the Fraud and Loss Database. All fraud type codes are eligible.

| 4849 |
Coercion Program
Cardholder Dispute
(Questionable Merchant Activity) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactionsThe transaction was identified by Mastercard, in writing, as eligible for chargeback due to a substantiated claim of coercion |

| 4853 |
Transaction Did Not Complete
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following: • The cardholder engaged in the transaction. • The cardholder claims the disputed transaction failed to complete. • The cardholder did not use the goods or services. |

| 4853 |
Goods or Services Not Provided
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactions • The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming both of the following: – The cardholder engaged in the transaction. – The purchased goods or services were not received. • Travel services arranged through an online travel agency or tour operator were not received and the travel agency or tour operator is no longer in business.

| 4853 |
Travel/Entertainment Services Cancelled/Returned and Credit Not Processed
(Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming one of the following: • The merchant agreed to provide a refund and failed to process that refund. • The merchant failed to disclose its refund policy at the time of the transaction and is unwilling to
accept the cardholder’s return or cancellation of goods or services. • The merchant has not responded to the cardholder’s return or cancellation of goods or services. • The merchant posted a credit for a reduced amount without proper disclosure.
In addition, the transaction was identified with one of the following MCCs: • Airlines and Air Carrier (MCCs 3000 through 3350, 4511) • Car Rental Agencies (MCCs 3351 through 3500, 7512) • Cruise Lines (MCC 4411) • Lodging-Hotels, Motels, Resorts (MCCs 3501 through 3999, 7011) • Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rental (MCC 7519) • Real Estate Agents and Managers—Rentals (MCC 6513) • Theatrical Producers, Ticket Agencies (excluding Motion Picture) (MCC 7922) • Travel Agencies and Tour Operators (MCC 4722) • Real Estate Agent and Broker (MCC 7013) – Limited to Mainland China domestic transactions • Scenic Spot Ticketing (MCC 4733) – Limited to Mainland China domestic transactions |

| 4853 |
Travel/Entertainment Services Not Provided/Not as Described and Merchant Voucher Issued
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactions 1. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following: – The cardholder engaged in the transaction. – The purchased goods or services were not received due to merchant cancellation. – The merchant provided a voucher for future use in lieu of a refund and that provision of voucher was properly disclosed in the merchant’s terms and conditions. – The merchant is unable or unwilling to honor the voucher in violation of the voucher terms and conditions.
2. The transaction was identified with one of the following MCCs: – Airlines and Air Carrier (MCCs 3000 through 3350, 4511) – Car Rental Agencies (MCCs 3351 through 3500, 7512) – Cruise Lines (MCC 4411) – Lodging-Hotels, Motels, Resorts (MCCs 3501 through 3999, 7011) – Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rental (MCC 7519) – Real Estate Agents and Managers—Rentals (MCC 6513) – Theatrical Producers, Ticket Agencies (excluding Motion Picture) (MCC 7922) – Travel Agencies and Tour Operators (MCC 4722) – Real Estate Agent and Broker (MCC 7013) – Limited to Mainland China domestic transactions – Scenic Spot Ticketing (MCC 4733) – Limited to Mainland China domestic transactions

| 4853 |
Failed Travel Merchant-Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions Only
Cardholder Dispute
Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described) for Dual Message System transactions.This chargeback takes precedence for Intra-EEA and domestic European transactions, when the cardholder contacted the issuer claiming a travel service has not, or will not, be provided, and the merchant is seeking protection from creditors, insolvent, bankrupt or in liquidation, at least one of the following conditions must be met prior to the issuer raising a chargeback:
1. The travel service was covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law, and one of the following: – The cardholder (or traveler) requested reimbursement from the bonding authority or similar scheme and did not receive reimbursement, or the claim was declined. – The merchant, bonding authority or similar scheme (including an insolvency practitioner) stated cardholders (or travelers) should contact their issuer for reimbursement and/or the bond is insufficient. For sake of clarity, the statement can either be a public statement such as on a website, advertisement, or similar, as well as direct communication with the cardholder (or traveler). – For Swedish domestic transactions: no additional requirement. The cardholder (or traveler) is not obligated to request reimbursement from a bonding authority or similar scheme.
2. The travel service was not covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law, or neither the issuer nor the cardholder after reasonable effort can determine whether the travel service was covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law. |

| 4853 |
Addendum Dispute
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following: • The cardholder engaged in a valid transaction with the merchant. • A subsequent transaction occurred with that same merchant without the cardholder’s consent. • The cardholder contacted the merchant, or attempted to contact the merchant, to resolve the dispute.
Merchant contact is optional when the cardholder is a corporate entity with a contractual relationship with the merchant and the transaction is for an amount in excess of what is specified in the contract. In such event the chargeback may be only for the amount of the excessive charge. |

| 4853 |
Goods or Services Were Either Not as Described or Defective
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactions. • The cardholder engaged in the transaction. • The cardholder contacted the merchant, or attempted to contact the merchant, to resolve the dispute. • Merchant contact is optional when the cardholder is a corporate entity with a contractual relationship with the merchant and the transaction is for an amount in excess of what is specified in the contract. In such event the chargeback may be only for the amount of the excessive charge. • The merchant refused to adjust the price, repair, or replace the goods or other things of value, or issue a credit. • For disputes involving goods: The cardholder returned the goods or informed the merchant the goods were available for pickup.
And one of the following: • When delivered from the merchant, the goods arrived broken or could not be used for the intended purpose. • Goods and services did not conform to their description. Examples include, but are not limited to: – The cardholder claims that the quality or workmanship of the product is not as described. – The cardholder claims that the specified color, size, or quantity is not as described. • The merchant did not honor the terms and conditions of the contract with the cardholder including, but not limited to, 100 percent money back guarantee, written promises, or return policy

| 4853 |
“No-Show” Hotel Charge
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer to dispute a “no-show” hotel charge from a merchant that participates in the Mastercard Guaranteed Reservations Service (described in Appendix F of the Transaction Processing Rules) and alleged one of the following:
1. The cardholder canceled the reservation.
2. The cardholder used the accommodations.
3. The merchant provided alternate accommodations. For example, the cardholder arrived at the hotel and no room was available. Although the hotel arranged for accommodations at another hotel, the merchant billed the cardholder in error.
4. The “no-show” charge differed from the rate quoted to the cardholder. Under these circumstances, only the difference between the two charges can be charged back.
5. The merchant did not advise the cardholder that the merchant would charge a “no-show” fee. |

| 4853 |
Counterfeit Goods
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming both of the following: • The cardholder engaged in the transaction. • The cardholder claims that the goods were purported to be genuine, but were counterfeit. |

| 4853 |
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder canceled the timeshare or similar provision of services within the Mastercard time frame, regardless of the contractual terms. |

| 4853 |
Credit Posted as a Purchase
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder account has been inaccurately posted with a debit instead of a credit. |

| 4853 |
Digital Goods Purchase of USD 25 or Less
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer alleging both of the following: • Digital goods were purchased in an e-commerce transaction that was less than or equal to USD 25 (or the local currency equivalent). • The merchant did not offer the cardholder purchase control settings.
In addition, all of the following: • The cardholder's account is not closed. • The cardholder's account is in good standing with no associated fraudulent transactions. • The issuer must determine, based on a challenge of the cardholder, that prior to the date(s) of the disputed transaction(s), the cardholder had provided card information to the merchant in order to establish an account that could be used for future digital goods purchases, but the merchant did not offer or establish the following minimum purchase controls in connection with the use of that account: – The option, enabled as a default setting, for the cardholder to disable all digital goods purchases; – The time period during which a digital goods purchase can be made on the cardholder’s account with the merchant (the “account open” period) must not exceed 15 minutes from the time at which the cardholder enters account authentication credentials; and – Allowing the cardholder to confirm or to cancel the clearly displayed total transaction amount of each pending digital goods purchase before completion of the transaction.
The issuer is advised to ask the following questions when challenging the cardholder and to educate the cardholder on the use of purchase control settings:
1. Was the cardholder given the option to disable all digital goods purchases on the account?
2. Did the cardholder agree (such as by checking a box) to permit digital goods purchases to be made without the entry of a password or other form of authentication?
3. When the cardholder was required to enter authentication credentials to use the account, was the cardholder prompted to re-enter the credentials after a period of inactivity? When known, did that period exceed 15 minutes?
4. Did the merchant site afford the cardholder the option to confirm or to cancel each purchase?
5. Did the cardholder receive notification (such as using email, text, or other means) promptly after each purchase was completed? |

| 4853 |
Issuer Dispute of a Recurring Transaction
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactionsFor Mainland China domestic transactions, one of the following:
1. The issuer previously charged back a disputed recurring transaction with the same PAN and merchant.
2. The issuer previously notified the merchant or acquirer to cancel the recurring transaction prior to the disputed transaction occurring.
For all other transactions, one of the following:
1. The issuer listed the account in the Payment Cancellation Service (PCS) prior to the disputed transaction occurring.
2. The issuer previously charged back a disputed recurring transaction with the same PAN and merchant.
3. The issuer previously notified the merchant or acquirer to cancel the recurring transaction prior to the disputed transaction occurring |

| 4855 |
Travel/Entertainment Services Not Provided/Not as Described and Merchant Voucher Issued
Cardholder Dispute
(Goods or Services Not Provided) 1. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following: – The cardholder engaged in the transaction – The purchased goods or services were not received due to merchant cancellation – The merchant provided a voucher for future use in lieu of a refund and that provision of voucher was properly disclosed in the merchant’s terms and conditions – The merchant is unable or unwilling to honor the voucher in violation of the voucher terms and conditions
2. The transaction was identified with one of the following MCCs: – Airlines and Air Carrier (MCCs 3000 through 3350, 4511) – Car Rental Agencies (MCCs 3351 through 3500, 7512) – Cruise Lines (MCC 4411) – Lodging-Hotels, Motels, Resorts (MCCs 3501 through 3999, 7011) – Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rental (MCC 7519) – Real Estate Agents and Managers—Rentals (MCC 6513) – Theatrical Producers, Ticket Agencies (excluding Motion Picture) (MCC 7922) – Travel Agencies and Tour Operators (MCC 4722)

| 4855 |
Travel/Entertainment Services Not Provided/Not as Described and Merchant Voucher Issued
Cardholder Dispute
(Goods or Services Not Provided) for Dual Message System transactions 1. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following: – The cardholder engaged in the transaction. – The purchased goods or services were not received due to merchant cancellation. – The merchant provided a voucher for future use in lieu of a refund and that provision of voucher was properly disclosed in the merchant’s terms and conditions. – The merchant is unable or unwilling to honor the voucher in violation of the voucher terms and conditions.
2. The transaction was identified with one of the following MCCs: – Airlines and Air Carrier (MCCs 3000 through 3350, 4511) – Car Rental Agencies (MCCs 3351 through 3500, 7512) – Cruise Lines (MCC 4411) – Lodging-Hotels, Motels, Resorts (MCCs 3501 through 3999, 7011) – Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rental (MCC 7519) – Real Estate Agents and Managers—Rentals (MCC 6513) – Theatrical Producers, Ticket Agencies (excluding Motion Picture) (MCC 7922) – Travel Agencies and Tour Operators (MCC 4722) – Real Estate Agent and Broker (MCC 7013) – Limited to Mainland China domestic transactions – Scenic Spot Ticketing (MCC 4733) – Limited to Mainland China domestic transactions

| 4855 |
Failed Travel Merchant-Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions Only
Cardholder Dispute
Goods or Services Not Provided) for Dual Message System transactionsThis chargeback takes precedence for Intra-EEA and domestic European transactions, when the cardholder contacted the issuer claiming a travel service has not, or will not, be provided, and the merchant is seeking protection from creditors, insolvent, bankrupt or in liquidation, at least one of the following conditions must be met prior to the issuer raising a chargeback:
1. The travel service was covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law, and one of the following: – The cardholder (or traveler) requested reimbursement from the bonding authority or similar scheme and did not receive reimbursement, or the claim was declined. – The merchant, bonding authority or similar scheme (including an insolvency practitioner) stated cardholders (or travelers) should contact their issuer for reimbursement and/or the bond is insufficient. For sake of clarity, the statement can either be a public statement such as on a website, advertisement, or similar, as well as direct communication with the cardholder (or traveler). – For Swedish domestic transactions: no additional requirement. The cardholder (or traveler) is not obligated to request reimbursement from a bonding authority or similar scheme.
2. The travel service was not covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law, or neither the issuer nor the cardholder after reasonable effort can determine whether the travel service was covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law. |

| 4855 |
Goods or Services Not Provided
Cardholder Dispute
(Goods or Services Not Provided) for Dual Message System transactions • The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming both of the following: – The cardholder engaged in the transaction. – The purchased goods or services were not received. • Travel services arranged through an online travel agency or tour operator were not received and the travel agency or tour operator is no longer in business.

| 4855 |
Failed Travel Merchant Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions Only
Cardholder Dispute
(Goods or Services Not Provided) for Dual Message System transactions. 1. Within 150-calendar days from the latest expected service date, whether the bonding authority or similar scheme responded or not. The issuer must wait at least 30-calendar days from the date the request was sent prior to processing a chargeback, unless a negative response was received, in which case, the chargeback may be processed upon receipt of the negative reply.
The following exceptions apply:
For German domestic transactions: Within 240-calendar days from the latest expected service date, whether the bonding authority or similar scheme responded or not. The issuer must wait at least 60-calendar days from the date the request was sent prior to processing a chargeback, unless a negative response was received, in which case, the chargeback may be processed upon receipt of the negative reply.
For Polish domestic transactions: Within 540-calendar days from the Central Site Business Date, whether the bonding authority or similar scheme responded or not. The issuer must wait at least 60-calendar days from the date the request was sent prior to processing a chargeback, unless a negative response was received, in which case, the chargeback may be processed upon receipt of the negative reply.
For Swedish domestic transactions: Within 120-calendar days from the latest expected service date.
2. Within 120-calendar days from the latest expected service date. In addition to both of the above (with the noted exceptions for German domestic transactions, Polish domestic transactions, and Swedish domestic transactions), when the transaction was identified with one of the following MCCs, the maximum time frame is 365-calendar days from the original expected delivery or performance date specified by the merchant: • Airlines and Air Carrier (MCCs 3000 through 3350, 4511) • Car Rental Agencies (MCCs 3351 through 3500, 7512) • Cruise Lines (MCC 4411) • Lodging-Hotels, Motels, Resorts (MCCs 3501 through 3999, 7011) • Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rental (MCC 7519) • Real Estate Agents and Managers—Rentals (MCC 6513) • Theatrical Producers, Ticket Agencies (excluding Motion Picture) (MCC 7922) • Travel Agencies and Tour Operators (MCC 4722)
In all cases, the issuer does not have to wait for the latest expected service date before processing the chargeback. A chargeback may be processed immediately upon learning the travel services will not be provided to the cardholder (or traveler). The issuer is still obligated to meet all other applicable chargeback requirements, such as making a request for reimbursement from the bonding authority or similar scheme.

| 4855 |
Transaction Did Not Complete
Cardholder Dispute
(Goods or Services Not Provided) for Dual Message System transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following: • The cardholder engaged in the transaction. • The cardholder claims the disputed transaction failed to complete. • The cardholder did not use the goods or services. |

| 4859 |
Addendum Dispute
Cardholder Dispute
(Addendum, No-show, or ATM Dispute) for Dual Message System transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following: • The cardholder engaged in a valid transaction with the merchant. • A subsequent transaction occurred with that same merchant without the cardholder’s consent. • The cardholder contacted the merchant, or attempted to contact the merchant, to resolve the dispute.
Merchant contact is optional when the cardholder is a corporate entity with a contractual relationship with the merchant and the transaction is for an amount in excess of what is specified in the contract. In such event the chargeback may be only for the amount of the excessive charge. |

| 4859 |
Failed Travel Merchant-Intra-EEA and Domestic European Transactions Only
Cardholder Dispute
(German Domestic Rule-Card Acceptor Unwilling or Unable to Render Services) for Dual Message System transactionsThis chargeback takes precedence for Intra-EEA and domestic European transactions, when the cardholder contacted the issuer claiming a travel service has not, or will not, be provided, and the merchant is seeking protection from creditors, insolvent, bankrupt or in liquidation, at least one of the following conditions must be met prior to the issuer raising a chargeback:
1. The travel service was covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law, and one of the following: – The cardholder (or traveler) requested reimbursement from the bonding authority or similar scheme and did not receive reimbursement, or the claim was declined. – The merchant, bonding authority or similar scheme (including an insolvency practitioner) stated cardholders (or travelers) should contact their issuer for reimbursement and/or the bond is insufficient. For sake of clarity, the statement can either be a public statement such as on a website, advertisement, or similar, as well as direct communication with the cardholder (or traveler). – For Swedish domestic transactions: no additional requirement. The cardholder (or traveler) is not obligated to request reimbursement from a bonding authority or similar scheme.
2. The travel service was not covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law, or neither the issuer nor the cardholder after reasonable effort can determine whether the travel service was covered by a bonding authority or similar scheme according to local law. |

| 4859 |
ATM Disputes
Processing Errors
(Addendum, No-show, or ATM Dispute) for Dual Message System transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer alleging one of the following: • Some or all of the funds debited from the cardholder’s account as the result of an ATM withdrawal were not dispensed. • The cardholder’s account has been debited more than once for the same transaction. |

| 4859 |
Charges for Loss, Theft, or Damages
Cardholder Dispute
(Addendum, No-show, or ATM Dispute) for Dual Message System transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming the cardholder was billed for loss, theft, or damage in the same transaction as the underlying initial service. |

| 4859 |
“No-Show” Hotel Charge
Cardholder Dispute
(Addendum, No-show, or ATM Dispute) for Dual Message System transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer to dispute a “no-show” hotel charge from a merchant that participates in the Mastercard Guaranteed Reservations Service (described in Appendix F of the Transaction Processing Rules) and alleged one of the following:
1. The cardholder canceled the reservation.
2. The cardholder used the accommodations.
3. The merchant provided alternate accommodations. For example, the cardholder arrived at the hotel and no room was available. Although the hotel arranged for accommodations at another hotel, the merchant billed the cardholder in error.
4. The “no-show” charge differed from the rate quoted to the cardholder. Under these circumstances, only the difference between the two charges can be charged back.
5. The merchant did not advise the cardholder that the merchant would charge a “no-show” fee. |

| 4860 |
Travel/Entertainment Services Cancelled/Returned and Credit Not Processed
Cardholder Dispute
(Credit Not Processed) for Dual Message System transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming one of the following: • The merchant agreed to provide a refund and failed to process that refund. • The merchant failed to disclose its refund policy at the time of the transaction and is unwilling to accept the cardholder’s return or cancellation of goods or services. • The merchant has not responded to the cardholder’s return or cancellation of goods or services. • The merchant posted a credit for a reduced amount without proper disclosure.
In addition, the transaction was identified with one of the following MCCs: • Airlines and Air Carrier (MCCs 3000 through 3350, 4511) • Car Rental Agencies (MCCs 3351 through 3500, 7512) • Cruise Lines (MCC 4411) • Lodging-Hotels, Motels, Resorts (MCCs 3501 through 3999, 7011) • Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rental (MCC 7519) • Real Estate Agents and Managers—Rentals (MCC 6513) • Theatrical Producers, Ticket Agencies (excluding Motion Picture) (MCC 7922) • Travel Agencies and Tour Operators (MCC 4722) • Real Estate Agent and Broker (MCC 7013) – Limited to Mainland China domestic transactions • Scenic Spot Ticketing (MCC 4733) – Limited to Mainland China domestic transactions |

| 4860 |
Cardholder Dispute
(Credit Not Processed) for Dual Message System transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder canceled the timeshare or similar provision of services within the Mastercard time frame, regardless of the contractual terms. |

| 4860 |
Credit Posted as a Purchase
Cardholder Dispute
(Credit Not Processed) for Dual Message System transactionsThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder account has been inaccurately posted with a debit instead of a credit. |

| 4870 |
Chip Liability Shift
(Chip Liability Shift) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactionsChargeback Condition. Both of the following: • The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder did not authorize the transaction. • For Mainland China domestic transactions: The transaction was reported to the Risk Management as fraud in accordance with the China Switch User Guide - Customer Portal on or before the date of the chargeback.
For all other transactions: The transaction was reported to the Fraud and Loss Database as fraud in accordance with the Fraud and Loss Database User Guide on or before the date of the chargeback. • 4837 (No Cardholder Authorization) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactions • 37 (No Cardholder Authorization) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System • The acquirer name, acquirer ID, merchant name, and merchant location are listed in a Mastercard Announcement under the QMAP. • Each transaction charged back must have occurred during the published chargeback period. • For Mainland China domestic transactions: The issuer must have properly reported the transaction to the Risk Management.
For all other transactions: The issuer must have properly reported the transaction to the Fraud and Loss Database. All fraud type codes are eligible. • 4849 (Questionable Merchant Activity) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactions • 49 (Questionable Merchant Activity) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
For Mainland China domestic transactions, all of the following: • The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder did not authorize the transaction. • One of the following: – A fraudulent transaction resulted from the use of a counterfeit card at a non-hybrid terminal – A fraudulent transaction occurred at a hybrid terminal but DE 55 was not present in the Preauthorization Request/0100 message or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message • The validly issued card was an PBoC chip card. • The transaction was reported to the Risk Management as counterfeit in accordance with the China Switch User Guide – Customer Portal prior to processing the chargeback.
For all other transactions, all of the following: • The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder did not authorize the transaction. • Both the issuer and the acquirer are located in a country or region participating in a domestic, intraregional, or interregional chip liability shift as shown in the Chip Liability Shift Participation table (earlier in this section). • One of the following: – A fraudulent transaction resulted from the use of a counterfeit card at a non-hybrid terminal. – A fraudulent transaction occurred at a hybrid terminal but DE 55 was not present in the Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message. • The validly-issued card was an EMV chip card. • The transaction was reported to the Fraud and Loss Database as counterfeit in accordance with the Fraud and Loss Database User Guide prior to processing the chargeback. |

| 4871 |
Lost/Stolen/NRI Fraud Chip Liability Shift
(Lost/Stolen/NRI Fraud Chip Liability Shift) for Dual Message System transactions • The cardholder states that: – The cardholder did not authorize the transaction. – The card is no longer, or has never been, in the possession of the cardholder. • Both the issuer and the acquirer are located in a country or region participating in a domestic, intraregional, or interregional chip/PIN liability shift as shown in the below table. • A fraudulent transaction resulted from the use of a hybrid PIN-preferring card at one of the following: – A magnetic stripe-reading-only terminal (whether PIN-capable or not) – A hybrid terminal not equipped with a PIN pad capable (at a minimum) of checking the PIN offline – A hybrid terminal equipped with a PIN pad capable (at a minimum) of checking the PIN offline, but DE 55 was not present in the Authorization Request/0100 message or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message – A hybrid terminal where the PIN pad is not present or not working • The validly issued card was a hybrid PIN-preferring card. • The transaction was reported to the Fraud and Loss Database as lost/stolen/NRI in accordance with the Fraud and Loss Database User Guide prior to processing the chargeback.

| 49 |
Questionable Merchant Audit Program (QMAP)
(Questionable Merchant Activity) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System • The acquirer name, acquirer ID, merchant name, and merchant location are listed in a Mastercard Announcement under the QMAP. • Each transaction charged back must have occurred during the published chargeback period. • For Mainland China domestic transactions: The issuer must have properly reported the transaction to the Risk Management.
For all other transactions: The issuer must have properly reported the transaction to the Fraud and Loss Database. All fraud type codes are eligible.

| 49 |
Coercion Program
Cardholder Dispute
(Questionable Merchant Activity)The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming one of the following: • The cardholder’s account has been debited more than once for the same transaction. • The cardholder paid for a transaction using one form of payment and was subsequently debited for the same transaction using another form of payment. |

| 49 |
Coercion Program
Cardholder Dispute
(Questionable Merchant Activity) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe transaction was identified by Mastercard, in writing, as eligible for chargeback due to a substantiated claim of coercion |

| 53 |
Transaction Did Not Complete
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described)The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following: • The cardholder engaged in the transaction. • The cardholder claims the disputed transaction failed to complete. • The cardholder did not use the goods or services. |

| 53 |
Credit Posted as a Purchase
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder account has been inaccurately posted with a debit instead of a credit. |

| 53 |
Counterfeit Goods
Cardholder Dispute
Cardholder email, letter, message or completed Dispute Resolution FormThe cardholder states that the goods were purported to be genuine, but were counterfeit. “Counterfeit” means that the goods were not produced by an authorized manufacturer of the goods and therefore infringe on intellectual property rights. |

| 53 |
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder canceled the timeshare or similar provision of services within the Mastercard time frame, regardless of the contractual terms. |

| 53 |
Counterfeit Goods
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described)The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming both of the following: • The cardholder engaged in the transaction. • The cardholder claims that the goods were purported to be genuine but were counterfeit. |

| 53 |
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described)The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder canceled the timeshare or similar provision of services within the Mastercard time frame, regardless of the contractual terms. |

| 53 |
Counterfeit Goods
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming both of the following: • The cardholder engaged in the transaction. • The cardholder claims that the goods were purported to be genuine, but were counterfeit. |

| 53 |
Transaction Did Not Complete
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following: • The cardholder engaged in the transaction. • The cardholder claims the disputed transaction failed to complete. • The cardholder did not use the goods or services. |

| 53 |
Goods or Services Were Either Not as Described or Defective
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described)The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following: • The cardholder engaged in the transaction. • The cardholder contacted the merchant, or attempted to contact the merchant, to resolve the dispute. • The merchant refused to adjust the price, repair, or replace the goods or other things of value, or issue a credit. Merchant contact is optional when the cardholder is a corporate entity with a contractual relationship with the merchant and the transaction is for an amount in excess of what is specified in the contract. In such event the chargeback may be only for the amount of the excessive charge. • For disputes involving goods: The cardholder returned the goods or informed the merchant the goods were available for pickup.
And one of the following: • When delivered from the merchant, the goods arrived broken or could not be used for the intended purpose. • Goods and services did not conform to their description. Examples include, but are not limited to: – The cardholder claims that the quality or workmanship of the product is not as described. – The cardholder claims that the specified color, size, or quantity is not as described. • The merchant did not honor the terms and conditions of the contract with the cardholder including, but not limited to, 100 percent money back guarantee, written promises, or return policy. |

| 53 |
Cardholder Dispute of a Recurring Transaction
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described)The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming one of the following: • The cardholder notified the merchant to cancel the recurring transaction and the merchant continued to bill the cardholder. • The cardholder was not aware that the cardholder was agreeing to a recurring transaction. |

| 53 |
Addendum Dispute
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described)The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following: • The cardholder engaged in a valid transaction with the merchant. • A subsequent transaction occurred with that same merchant without the cardholder’s consent. • The cardholder contacted the merchant, or attempted to contact the merchant, to resolve the dispute Merchant contact is optional when the cardholder is a corporate entity with a contractual relationship with the merchant and the transaction is for an amount in excess of what is specified in the contract. In such event the chargeback may be only for the amount of the excessive charge. |

| 53 |
Travel/Entertainment Services Cancelled/Returned and Credit Not Processed
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming one of the following: • The merchant agreed to provide a refund and failed to process that refund. • The merchant failed to disclose its refund policy at the time of the transaction and is unwilling to
accept the cardholder’s return or cancellation of goods or services. • The merchant has not responded to the cardholder’s return or cancellation of goods or services. • The merchant posted a credit for a reduced amount without proper disclosure.
In addition, the transaction was identified with one of the following MCCs: • Airlines and Air Carrier (MCCs 3000 through 3350, 4511) • Car Rental Agencies (MCCs 3351 through 3500, 7512) • Cruise Lines (MCC 4411) • Lodging-Hotels, Motels, Resorts (MCCs 3501 through 3999, 7011) • Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rental (MCC 7519) • Real Estate Agents and Managers—Rentals (MCC 6513) • Theatrical Producers, Ticket Agencies (excluding Motion Picture) (MCC 7922) • Travel Agencies and Tour Operators (MCC 4722) • Real Estate Agent and Broker (MCC 7013) – Limited to Mainland China domestic transactions • Scenic Spot Ticketing (MCC 4733) – Limited to Mainland China domestic transactions |

| 53 |
Travel/Entertainment Services Cancelled/Returned and Credit Not Processed
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described)The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming one of the following: • The merchant agreed to provide a refund and failed to process that refund. • The merchant failed to disclose its refund policy at the time of the transaction and is unwilling to accept the cardholder’s return or cancellation of goods or services. • The merchant has not responded to the cardholder’s return or cancellation of goods or services. • The merchant posted a credit for a reduced amount without proper disclosure.
In addition, the transaction was identified with one of the following MCCs: • Airlines and Air Carrier (MCCs 3000 through 3350, 4511) • Car Rental Agencies (MCCs 3351 through 3500, 7512) • Cruise Lines (MCC 4411) • Lodging-Hotels, Motels, Resorts (MCCs 3501 through 3999, 7011) • Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rental (MCC 7519) • Real Estate Agents and Managers—Rentals (MCC 6513) • Theatrical Producers, Ticket Agencies (excluding Motion Picture) (MCC 7922) • Travel Agencies and Tour Operators (MCC 4722) |

| 53 |
Addendum Dispute
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following: • The cardholder engaged in a valid transaction with the merchant. • A subsequent transaction occurred with that same merchant without the cardholder’s consent. • The cardholder contacted the merchant, or attempted to contact the merchant, to resolve the dispute.
Merchant contact is optional when the cardholder is a corporate entity with a contractual relationship with the merchant and the transaction is for an amount in excess of what is specified in the contract. In such event the chargeback may be only for the amount of the excessive charge. |

| 53 |
Travel/Entertainment Services Not Provided/Not as Described and Merchant Voucher Issued
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System 1. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following: – The cardholder engaged in the transaction. – The purchased goods or services were not received due to merchant cancellation. – The merchant provided a voucher for future use in lieu of a refund and that provision of voucher was properly disclosed in the merchant’s terms and conditions. – The merchant is unable or unwilling to honor the voucher in violation of the voucher terms and conditions.
2. The transaction was identified with one of the following MCCs: – Airlines and Air Carrier (MCCs 3000 through 3350, 4511) – Car Rental Agencies (MCCs 3351 through 3500, 7512) – Cruise Lines (MCC 4411) – Lodging-Hotels, Motels, Resorts (MCCs 3501 through 3999, 7011) – Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rental (MCC 7519) – Real Estate Agents and Managers—Rentals (MCC 6513) – Theatrical Producers, Ticket Agencies (excluding Motion Picture) (MCC 7922) – Travel Agencies and Tour Operators (MCC 4722) – Real Estate Agent and Broker (MCC 7013) – Limited to Mainland China domestic transactions – Scenic Spot Ticketing (MCC 4733) – Limited to Mainland China domestic transactions

| 53 |
“No-Show” Hotel Charge
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described)The cardholder contacted the issuer to dispute a “no-show” hotel charge from a merchant that participates in the Mastercard Guaranteed Reservations Service (described in Appendix F of the Transaction Processing Rules) and alleged one of the following:
1. The cardholder canceled the reservation.
2. The cardholder used the accommodations.
3. The merchant provided alternate accommodations. For example, the cardholder arrived at the hotel and no room was available. Although the hotel arranged for accommodations at another hotel, the merchant billed the cardholder in error. |

| 53 |
Travel/Entertainment Services Not Provided/Not as Described and Merchant Voucher Issued
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described)Both of the following:
1. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following: – The cardholder engaged in the transaction. – The purchased goods or services were not received due to merchant cancellation. – The merchant provided a voucher for future use in lieu of a refund and that provision of voucher was properly disclosed in the merchant’s terms and conditions. – The merchant is unable or unwilling to honor the voucher in violation of the voucher terms and conditions.
2. The transaction was identified with one of the following MCCs: – Airlines and Air Carrier (MCCs 3000 through 3350, 4511) – Car Rental Agencies (MCCs 3351 through 3500, 7512) – Cruise Lines (MCC 4411) – Lodging-Hotels, Motels, Resorts (MCCs 3501 through 3999, 7011) – Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rental (MCC 7519) – Real Estate Agents and Managers—Rentals (MCC 6513) – Theatrical Producers, Ticket Agencies (excluding Motion Picture) (MCC 7922) – Travel Agencies and Tour Operators (MCC 4722) |

| 53 |
Travel/Entertainment Services Not Provided/Not as Described and Merchant Voucher Issued
Cardholder Dispute
1. Both the issuer and the acquirer are located in the United States, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and/or the U.S. Virgin Islands
2. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following: – The cardholder engaged in the transaction – The purchased goods or services were not received due to merchant cancellation – The merchant provided a voucher for future use in lieu of a refund and that provision of voucher was properly disclosed in the merchant’s terms and conditions – The merchant is unable or unwilling to provide the goods or services in violation of the voucher terms and conditions
3. The transaction was identified with one of the following MCCs: – Airlines and Air Carrier (MCCs 3000 through 3350, 4511) – Car Rental Agencies (MCCs 3351 through 3500, 7512) – Cruise Lines (MCC 4411) – Lodging-Hotels, Motels, Resorts (MCCs 3501 through 3999, 7011) – Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rental (MCC 7519) – Real Estate Agents and Managers—Rentals (MCC 6513) – Theatrical Producers, Ticket Agencies (excluding Motion Picture) (MCC 7922) – Travel Agencies and Tour Operators (MCC 4722)

| 53 |
“No-Show” Hotel Charge
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer to dispute a “no-show” hotel charge from a merchant that participates in the Mastercard Guaranteed Reservations Service (described in Appendix F of the Transaction Processing Rules) and alleged one of the following:
1. The cardholder canceled the reservation.
2. The cardholder used the accommodations.
3. The merchant provided alternate accommodations. For example, the cardholder arrived at the hotel and no room was available. Although the hotel arranged for accommodations at another hotel, the merchant billed the cardholder in error.
4. The “no-show” charge differed from the rate quoted to the cardholder. Under these circumstances, only the difference between the two charges can be charged back.
5. The merchant did not advise the cardholder that the merchant would charge a “no-show” fee. |

| 53 |
General Use
Cardholder Dispute
Both of the following: • Both the issuer and the acquirer are located in the United States, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and/or the U.S. Virgin Islands. • One of the following: – When delivered from the merchant, the goods arrived broken or could not be used for the intended purpose. – Goods and services did not conform to their description. Examples include, but are not limited to: – The cardholder states that the quality or workmanship of the product is not as described. – The cardholder states that the specified color, size, or quantity is not as described. – Terms and conditions of a contract including, but not limited to, 100 percent money back guarantee, written promises, or return policy |

| 53 |
Issuer Dispute of a Recurring Transaction
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemFor Mainland China domestic transactions, one of the following:
1. The issuer previously charged back a disputed recurring transaction with the same PAN and merchant.
2. The issuer previously notified the merchant or acquirer to cancel the recurring transaction prior to the disputed transaction occurring.
For all other transactions, one of the following:
1. The issuer listed the account in the Payment Cancellation Service (PCS) prior to the disputed transaction occurring.
2. The issuer previously charged back a disputed recurring transaction with the same PAN and merchant.
3. The issuer previously notified the merchant or acquirer to cancel the recurring transaction prior to the disputed transaction occurring |

| 53 |
Issuer Dispute of a Recurring Transaction
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described)One of the following:
1. The issuer listed the account in the Payment Cancellation Service (PCS) prior to the disputed transaction occurring.
2. The issuer previously charged back a disputed recurring transaction with the same PAN and merchant.
3. The issuer previously notified the merchant or acquirer to cancel the recurring transaction prior to the disputed transaction occurring. |

| 53 |
Goods or Services Not Provided
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System • The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming both of the following: – The cardholder engaged in the transaction. – The purchased goods or services were not received. • Travel services arranged through an online travel agency or tour operator were not received and the travel agency or tour operator is no longer in business.

| 53 |
Credit Posted as a Purchase
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described)The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder account has been inaccurately posted with a debit instead of a credit. |

| 53 |
Goods or Services Were Either Not as Described or Defective
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System • The cardholder engaged in the transaction. • The cardholder contacted the merchant, or attempted to contact the merchant, to resolve the dispute. • Merchant contact is optional when the cardholder is a corporate entity with a contractual relationship with the merchant and the transaction is for an amount in excess of what is specified in the contract. In such event the chargeback may be only for the amount of the excessive charge. • The merchant refused to adjust the price, repair, or replace the goods or other things of value, or issue a credit. • For disputes involving goods: The cardholder returned the goods or informed the merchant the goods were available for pickup.
And one of the following: • When delivered from the merchant, the goods arrived broken or could not be used for the intended purpose. • Goods and services did not conform to their description. Examples include, but are not limited to: – The cardholder claims that the quality or workmanship of the product is not as described. – The cardholder claims that the specified color, size, or quantity is not as described. • The merchant did not honor the terms and conditions of the contract with the cardholder including, but not limited to, 100 percent money back guarantee, written promises, or return policy

| 53 |
Digital Goods Purchase of USD 25 or Less
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer alleging both of the following: • Digital goods were purchased in an e-commerce transaction that was less than or equal to USD 25 (or the local currency equivalent). • The merchant did not offer the cardholder purchase control settings.
In addition, all of the following: • The cardholder's account is not closed. • The cardholder's account is in good standing with no associated fraudulent transactions. • The issuer must determine, based on a challenge of the cardholder, that prior to the date(s) of the disputed transaction(s), the cardholder had provided card information to the merchant in order to establish an account that could be used for future digital goods purchases, but the merchant did not offer or establish the following minimum purchase controls in connection with the use of that account: – The option, enabled as a default setting, for the cardholder to disable all digital goods purchases; – The time period during which a digital goods purchase can be made on the cardholder’s account with the merchant (the “account open” period) must not exceed 15 minutes from the time at which the cardholder enters account authentication credentials; and – Allowing the cardholder to confirm or to cancel the clearly displayed total transaction amount of each pending digital goods purchase before completion of the transaction.
The issuer is advised to ask the following questions when challenging the cardholder and to educate the cardholder on the use of purchase control settings:
1. Was the cardholder given the option to disable all digital goods purchases on the account?
2. Did the cardholder agree (such as by checking a box) to permit digital goods purchases to be made without the entry of a password or other form of authentication?
3. When the cardholder was required to enter authentication credentials to use the account, was the cardholder prompted to re-enter the credentials after a period of inactivity? When known, did that period exceed 15 minutes?
4. Did the merchant site afford the cardholder the option to confirm or to cancel each purchase?
5. Did the cardholder receive notification (such as using email, text, or other means) promptly after each purchase was completed? |

| 53 |
Goods or Services Not Provided
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described) • The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming both of the following: – The cardholder engaged in the transaction. – The purchased goods or services were not received. • Travel services arranged through an online travel agency or tour operator were not received and the travel agency or tour operator is no longer in business.

| 53 |
Digital Goods Purchase of USD 25 or Less
Cardholder Dispute
(Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as Described)The cardholder contacted the issuer alleging both of the following: • Digital goods were purchased in an e-commerce transaction that was less than or equal to USD 25 (or the local currency equivalent). • The merchant did not offer the cardholder purchase control settings.
In addition, all of the following: • The cardholder's account is not closed. • The cardholder's account is in good standing with no associated fraudulent transactions. • The issuer must determine, based on a challenge of the cardholder, that prior to the date(s) of the disputed transaction(s), the cardholder had provided card information to the merchant in order to establish an account that could be used for future digital goods purchases, but the merchant did not offer or establish the following minimum purchase controls in connection with the use of that account: – The option, enabled as a default setting, for the cardholder to disable all digital goods purchases; – The time period during which a digital goods purchase can be made on the cardholder’s account with the merchant (the “account open” period) must not exceed 15 minutes from the time at which the cardholder enters account authentication credentials; and – Allowing the cardholder to confirm or to cancel the clearly displayed total transaction amount of each pending digital goods purchase before completion of the transaction.
The issuer is advised to ask the following questions when challenging the cardholder and to educate the cardholder on the use of purchase control settings:
1. Was the cardholder given the option to disable all digital goods purchases on the account?
2. Did the cardholder agree (such as by checking a box) to permit digital goods purchases to be made without the entry of a password or other form of authentication?
3. When the cardholder was required to enter authentication credentials to use the account, was the cardholder prompted to re-enter the credentials after a period of inactivity? When known, did that period exceed 15 minutes?
4. Did the merchant site afford the cardholder the option to confirm or to cancel each purchase?
5. Did the cardholder receive notification (such as using email, text, or other means) promptly after each purchase was completed? |

| 55 |
Transaction Did Not Complete
Cardholder Dispute
(Non-receipt of Merchandise) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following: • The cardholder engaged in the transaction. • The cardholder claims the disputed transaction failed to complete. • The cardholder did not use the goods or services. |

| 55 |
Goods or Services Not Provided
Cardholder Dispute
55 (Non-receipt of Merchandise) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System. • The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming both of the following: – The cardholder engaged in the transaction. – The purchased goods or services were not received. • Travel services arranged through an online travel agency or tour operator were not received and the travel agency or tour operator is no longer in business.

| 55 |
Travel/Entertainment Services Not Provided/Not as Described and Merchant Voucher Issued
Cardholder Dispute
(Non-receipt of Merchandise) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System 1. The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following: – The cardholder engaged in the transaction. – The purchased goods or services were not received due to merchant cancellation. – The merchant provided a voucher for future use in lieu of a refund and that provision of voucher was properly disclosed in the merchant’s terms and conditions. – The merchant is unable or unwilling to honor the voucher in violation of the voucher terms and conditions.
2. The transaction was identified with one of the following MCCs: – Airlines and Air Carrier (MCCs 3000 through 3350, 4511) – Car Rental Agencies (MCCs 3351 through 3500, 7512) – Cruise Lines (MCC 4411) – Lodging-Hotels, Motels, Resorts (MCCs 3501 through 3999, 7011) – Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rental (MCC 7519) – Real Estate Agents and Managers—Rentals (MCC 6513) – Theatrical Producers, Ticket Agencies (excluding Motion Picture) (MCC 7922) – Travel Agencies and Tour Operators (MCC 4722) – Real Estate Agent and Broker (MCC 7013) – Limited to Mainland China domestic transactions – Scenic Spot Ticketing (MCC 4733) – Limited to Mainland China domestic transactions

| 59 |
Addendum Dispute
Cardholder Dispute
(Services Not Rendered) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming all of the following: • The cardholder engaged in a valid transaction with the merchant. • A subsequent transaction occurred with that same merchant without the cardholder’s consent. • The cardholder contacted the merchant, or attempted to contact the merchant, to resolve the dispute.
Merchant contact is optional when the cardholder is a corporate entity with a contractual relationship with the merchant and the transaction is for an amount in excess of what is specified in the contract. In such event the chargeback may be only for the amount of the excessive charge. |

| 59 |
“No-Show” Hotel Charge
Cardholder Dispute
(Services Not Rendered) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer to dispute a “no-show” hotel charge from a merchant that participates in the Mastercard Guaranteed Reservations Service (described in Appendix F of the Transaction Processing Rules) and alleged one of the following:
1. The cardholder canceled the reservation.
2. The cardholder used the accommodations.
3. The merchant provided alternate accommodations. For example, the cardholder arrived at the hotel and no room was available. Although the hotel arranged for accommodations at another hotel, the merchant billed the cardholder in error.
4. The “no-show” charge differed from the rate quoted to the cardholder. Under these circumstances, only the difference between the two charges can be charged back.
5. The merchant did not advise the cardholder that the merchant would charge a “no-show” fee. |

| 59 |
ATM Disputes
Processing Errors
(RS3=ATM dispute) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer alleging one of the following: • Some or all of the funds debited from the cardholder’s account as the result of an ATM withdrawal were not dispensed. • The cardholder’s account has been debited more than once for the same transaction. |

| 59 |
Charges for Loss, Theft, or Damages
Cardholder Dispute
(Incorrect Transaction Amount) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming the cardholder was billed for loss, theft, or damage in the same transaction as the underlying initial service. |

| 59 |
Questionable Merchant Audit Program (QMAP)
(Questionable Merchant Activity)All of the following: • The acquirer name, acquirer ID, merchant name, and merchant location are listed in a Mastercard Announcement under the QMAP. • Each transaction charged back must have occurred during the published chargeback period. • The issuer must have properly reported the transaction to the Fraud and Loss Database. All fraud type codes are eligible. |

| 60 |
Travel/Entertainment Services Cancelled/Returned and Credit Not Processed
Cardholder Dispute
(Credit Not Processed) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming one of the following: • The merchant agreed to provide a refund and failed to process that refund. • The merchant failed to disclose its refund policy at the time of the transaction and is unwilling to accept the cardholder’s return or cancellation of goods or services. • The merchant has not responded to the cardholder’s return or cancellation of goods or services. • The merchant posted a credit for a reduced amount without proper disclosure.
In addition, the transaction was identified with one of the following MCCs: • Airlines and Air Carrier (MCCs 3000 through 3350, 4511) • Car Rental Agencies (MCCs 3351 through 3500, 7512) • Cruise Lines (MCC 4411) • Lodging-Hotels, Motels, Resorts (MCCs 3501 through 3999, 7011) • Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rental (MCC 7519) • Real Estate Agents and Managers—Rentals (MCC 6513) • Theatrical Producers, Ticket Agencies (excluding Motion Picture) (MCC 7922) • Travel Agencies and Tour Operators (MCC 4722) • Real Estate Agent and Broker (MCC 7013) – Limited to Mainland China domestic transactions • Scenic Spot Ticketing (MCC 4733) – Limited to Mainland China domestic transactions |

| 60 |
Credit Posted as a Purchase
Cardholder Dispute
(Credit Not Processed) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder account has been inaccurately posted with a debit instead of a credit. |

| 60 |
Cardholder Dispute
(Credit Not Processed) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemThe cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder canceled the timeshare or similar provision of services within the Mastercard time frame, regardless of the contractual terms. |

| 6005 |
Fraud/Bank Investigation
A chargeback where the cardholder’s bank requests a copy of the receipt for fraud analysis. Generally initiated when a transaction triggers the bank's internal fraud monitoring policies. |

| 7 |
Required Authorization Not Obtained
(Warning Bulletin) and 12 (Account Not on File) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System • Authorization was required. • Authorization was not properly obtained.

| 7 |
CAT 3 Device
(Warning Bulletin) and 12 (Account Not on File) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message Syste 1. The transaction was not identified with one of the following MCCs:
a. 4784-Bridges and Road Fees, Tolls
b. 5499-Miscellaneous Food Stores-Convenience Stores, Markets, Specialty Stores (solely for Contactless-only Transactions)
c. 7523-Automobile Parking Lots and Garages
d. 7542-Car Washes
2. The transaction was identified with one of the above MCCs and the transaction amount was greater than one of the following:
a. The CVM Limit as published in Appendix C (CVM and Transit Limit Amounts) for contactless- only CAT 3 devices
b. HKD 500 for domestic Hong Kong SAR CAT 3 transactions identified with MCC 7523 (Automobile Parking Lots and Garages)
c. EUR 50 for CAT 3 transaction occurring in Europe
d. USD 40, or its local currency equivalent, for all other CAT 3 transactions
3. The transaction was a magnetic stripe transaction identified with one of the MCCs listed in bullet 1.
4. The PAN was listed in the applicable Local Stoplist or Electronic Warning Bulletin File on the date of the transaction.
5. The PAN was expired or not yet valid.
6. The transaction occurred in the Europe region with a card that had a service code of X2X (Positive Online Authorization Required).

| 7 |
Multiple Authorization Requests
(Warning Bulletin) and 12 (Account Not on File) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemA Card-Not-Present authorization was declined by the issuer and subsequently approved in Stand-In or X-Code |

| 7 |
Transit First Ride Risk (FRR) Claims
07 (Warning Bulletin) 1. The original transit transaction declined by the issuer was not a properly identified contactless transit aggregated transaction.
2. The issuer declined the original contactless transit aggregated transaction or a subsequent transit debt recovery transaction using a DE 39 (Response Code) value categorized as “Not Claimable”.
3. The acquirer or merchant did not fulfill the criteria for submitting an FRR claim transaction. For example, the merchant submits an ineligible FRR claim to a non-domestic issuer, or did not initiate at least nine transit debt recovery attempts in the 45-calendar day period following the issuer’s decline of the contactless transit aggregated transaction, or the issuer approved a transit debit recovery transaction.
4. The FRR claim transaction exceeded the FRR limit amount applicable in the merchant’s country, as specified in Chapter 5 of the Quick Reference Booklet.
5. The acquirer previously submitted an FRR claim transaction for the same debt.

| 7 |
Expired Chargeback Protection Period
(Warning Bulletin) and 12 (Account Not on File) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System • The transaction occurred at a merchant located in the Europe region and the issuer permanently closed the account before processing the chargeback. • The transaction occurred at a merchant located in any other region and the issuer deems the account not to be in good standing (a “statused” account) before processing the chargeback. And one of the following: • The authorization was identified as a preauthorization (DE 61 [Point-of-Service (POS) Data], subfield 7 (POS Transaction Status) contains a value of 4 [Preauthorized request]) and the transaction was presented or completed in more than: – For India domestic transactions: 4-calendar days after the latest authorization approval date. – For all other transactions: 30-calendar days after the latest authorization approval date. • The authorization was not identified as a preauthorization and the transaction was presented more than seven-calendar days after the authorization approval date. • The authorization was identified as a Payment Transaction and the transaction was presented in clearing more than one-calendar day after the authorization approval date. Refer to Appendix E for Payment Transaction transaction identification requirements. • The authorization was identified as a contactless transit aggregated transaction and the transaction was presented in clearing more than 14-calendar days after the authorization approval date. • A refund transaction was presented in clearing more than five-calendar days after the transaction date (meaning day six). For a refund transaction, the transaction date is the date on which the merchant agreed to provide a refund to the cardholder (the refund transaction receipt date, or if the refund transaction was authorized by the issuer, then the refund transaction authorization date). • An offline chip-approved purchase transaction or other transaction not requiring online authorization by the issuer was presented in clearing more than seven-calendar days after the transaction date (meaning day eight).
This chargeback is not available for properly identified acquirer-financed or merchant-financed preauthorized installment billing payments or transit debt recovery transactions.

| 70 |
Chip Liability Shift
(Chip Liability Shift) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemChargeback Condition. Both of the following: • The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder did not authorize the transaction. • For Mainland China domestic transactions: The transaction was reported to the Risk Management as fraud in accordance with the China Switch User Guide - Customer Portal on or before the date of the chargeback.
For all other transactions: The transaction was reported to the Fraud and Loss Database as fraud in accordance with the Fraud and Loss Database User Guide on or before the date of the chargeback. • 4837 (No Cardholder Authorization) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactions • 37 (No Cardholder Authorization) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System • The acquirer name, acquirer ID, merchant name, and merchant location are listed in a Mastercard Announcement under the QMAP. • Each transaction charged back must have occurred during the published chargeback period. • For Mainland China domestic transactions: The issuer must have properly reported the transaction to the Risk Management.
For all other transactions: The issuer must have properly reported the transaction to the Fraud and Loss Database. All fraud type codes are eligible. • 4849 (Questionable Merchant Activity) for Dual Message System transactions and Mainland China domestic transactions • 49 (Questionable Merchant Activity) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System
For Mainland China domestic transactions, all of the following: • The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder did not authorize the transaction. • One of the following: – A fraudulent transaction resulted from the use of a counterfeit card at a non-hybrid terminal – A fraudulent transaction occurred at a hybrid terminal but DE 55 was not present in the Preauthorization Request/0100 message or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message • The validly issued card was an PBoC chip card. • The transaction was reported to the Risk Management as counterfeit in accordance with the China Switch User Guide – Customer Portal prior to processing the chargeback.
For all other transactions, all of the following: • The cardholder contacted the issuer claiming that the cardholder did not authorize the transaction. • Both the issuer and the acquirer are located in a country or region participating in a domestic, intraregional, or interregional chip liability shift as shown in the Chip Liability Shift Participation table (earlier in this section). • One of the following: – A fraudulent transaction resulted from the use of a counterfeit card at a non-hybrid terminal. – A fraudulent transaction occurred at a hybrid terminal but DE 55 was not present in the Authorization Request/0100 or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message. • The validly-issued card was an EMV chip card. • The transaction was reported to the Fraud and Loss Database as counterfeit in accordance with the Fraud and Loss Database User Guide prior to processing the chargeback. |

| 71 |
Transaction Amount Differs
Cardholder Dispute
The billing discrepancy could be for one of the following reasons: • The merchant’s addition error that resulted in an incorrect total on the TID or other documentation. • The merchant increased the transaction amount without the cardholder’s permission. • The imprinted amount or printed amount on the TID was processed instead of the correct transaction amount as evidenced by other information on the TID or documentation. • The cardholder paid for goods or services by other means. “Other means” may include the same card. |

| 71 |
Lost/Stolen/NRI Fraud Chip Liability Shift
(Lost/Stolen/NRI Fraud Chip Liability Shift) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System • The cardholder states that: – The cardholder did not authorize the transaction. – The card is no longer, or has never been, in the possession of the cardholder. • Both the issuer and the acquirer are located in a country or region participating in a domestic, intraregional, or interregional chip/PIN liability shift as shown in the below table. • A fraudulent transaction resulted from the use of a hybrid PIN-preferring card at one of the following: – A magnetic stripe-reading-only terminal (whether PIN-capable or not) – A hybrid terminal not equipped with a PIN pad capable (at a minimum) of checking the PIN offline – A hybrid terminal equipped with a PIN pad capable (at a minimum) of checking the PIN offline, but DE 55 was not present in the Authorization Request/0100 message or Financial Transaction Request/0200 message – A hybrid terminal where the PIN pad is not present or not working • The validly issued card was a hybrid PIN-preferring card. • The transaction was reported to the Fraud and Loss Database as lost/stolen/NRI in accordance with the Fraud and Loss Database User Guide prior to processing the chargeback.

| 73 |
Duplicate Transaction
Processing Errors
An issuer can determine that the transaction is a duplicate when the ATM or POS terminal number, transaction amount, transaction date, and authorization response code are identical for the transactions in question. |

| 74 |
No Cardholder Authorization
• The transaction is a contactless transaction that exceeds the applicable contactless CVM limit and was completed without successful online PIN verification or on-device cardholder verification. • The UCAF collection indicator in DE 48 (Additional Data), subelement 42 (Electronic Commerce Indicators), Subfield 1 (Electronic Commerce Security Level Indicator and UCAF Collection Indicator, position 3 (UCAF Collection Indicator) contains a value of zero. • The UCAF data in DE 48 (Additional Data), subelement 43 (Static AAV for Maestro or Mastercard Advance Registration Program), position 1 contained a value of 3 (Transaction processed under the Maestro Advance Registration Program). • The transaction is an intra-Brazil contactless magnetic stripe transaction that exceeds BRL 50 and online PIN was not the CVM. DE 22 (Point of Service Entry Mode), subfield 1 (POS Terminal PAN Entry Mode) contained a value of 91 and DE 61 (Point of Service [POS] Data), subfield 11 (POS Card Data Terminal Input Capability Indicator) contained a value of 3 or 4.

| 75 |
Credit Not Received
Processing Errors
The cardholder contacted the issuer alleging that the cardholder’s account was not credited for a refund from a merchant or was inaccurately debited instead of credited. |

| 79 |
Goods or Services Not Provided
Cardholder Dispute
The cardholder contacted the issuer alleging the cardholder’s account has been debited for goods or services that were to be shipped, delivered or otherwise provided and were not received by the expected delivery date. |

| 8 |
Multiple Authorization Requests
(Authorization-related Chargeback) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message SystemA Card-Not-Present authorization was declined by the issuer and subsequently approved in Stand-In or X-Code |

| 8 |
Expired Chargeback Protection Period
(Authorization-related Chargeback) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System • The transaction occurred at a merchant located in the Europe region and the issuer permanently closed the account before processing the chargeback. • The transaction occurred at a merchant located in any other region and the issuer deems the account not to be in good standing (a “statused” account) before processing the chargeback. And one of the following: • The authorization was identified as a preauthorization (DE 61 [Point-of-Service (POS) Data], subfield 7 (POS Transaction Status) contains a value of 4 [Preauthorized request]) and the transaction was presented or completed in more than: – For India domestic transactions: 4-calendar days after the latest authorization approval date. – For all other transactions: 30-calendar days after the latest authorization approval date. • The authorization was not identified as a preauthorization and the transaction was presented more than seven-calendar days after the authorization approval date. • The authorization was identified as a Payment Transaction and the transaction was presented in clearing more than one-calendar day after the authorization approval date. Refer to Appendix E for Payment Transaction transaction identification requirements. • The authorization was identified as a contactless transit aggregated transaction and the transaction was presented in clearing more than 14-calendar days after the authorization approval date. • A refund transaction was presented in clearing more than five-calendar days after the transaction date (meaning day six). For a refund transaction, the transaction date is the date on which the merchant agreed to provide a refund to the cardholder (the refund transaction receipt date, or if the refund transaction was authorized by the issuer, then the refund transaction authorization date). • An offline chip-approved purchase transaction or other transaction not requiring online authorization by the issuer was presented in clearing more than seven-calendar days after the transaction date (meaning day eight).
This chargeback is not available for properly identified acquirer-financed or merchant-financed preauthorized installment billing payments or transit debt recovery transactions.

| 8 |
Required Authorization Not Obtained
(Authorization-related Chargeback) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System • Authorization was required. • Authorization was not properly obtained.

| 8 |
CAT 3 Device
(Authorization-related Chargeback) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System The following message reason codes may continue to be used; however, they will eventually be eliminated. 1. The transaction was not identified with one of the following MCCs:
a. 4784-Bridges and Road Fees, Tolls
b. 5499-Miscellaneous Food Stores-Convenience Stores, Markets, Specialty Stores (solely for Contactless-only Transactions)
c. 7523-Automobile Parking Lots and Garages
d. 7542-Car Washes
2. The transaction was identified with one of the above MCCs and the transaction amount was greater than one of the following:
a. The CVM Limit as published in Appendix C (CVM and Transit Limit Amounts) for contactless- only CAT 3 devices
b. HKD 500 for domestic Hong Kong SAR CAT 3 transactions identified with MCC 7523 (Automobile Parking Lots and Garages)
c. EUR 50 for CAT 3 transaction occurring in Europe
d. USD 40, or its local currency equivalent, for all other CAT 3 transactions
3. The transaction was a magnetic stripe transaction identified with one of the MCCs listed in bullet 1.
4. The PAN was listed in the applicable Local Stoplist or Electronic Warning Bulletin File on the date of the transaction.
5. The PAN was expired or not yet valid.
6. The transaction occurred in the Europe region with a card that had a service code of X2X (Positive Online Authorization Required).

| 8 |
Required Authorization Not Obtained
(Authorization-related Chargeback) • Authorization was required. • Authorization was not properly obtained.

| 8 |
Transit First Ride Risk (FRR) Claims
(Authorization-related Chargeback) for Debit Mastercard transactions processed on the Single Message System 1. The original transit transaction declined by the issuer was not a properly identified contactless transit aggregated transaction.
2. The issuer declined the original contactless transit aggregated transaction or a subsequent transit debt recovery transaction using a DE 39 (Response Code) value categorized as “Not Claimable”.
3. The acquirer or merchant did not fulfill the criteria for submitting an FRR claim transaction. For example, the merchant submits an ineligible FRR claim to a non-domestic issuer, or did not initiate at least nine transit debt recovery attempts in the 45-calendar day period following the issuer’s decline of the contactless transit aggregated transaction, or the issuer approved a transit debit recovery transaction.
4. The FRR claim transaction exceeded the FRR limit amount applicable in the merchant’s country, as specified in Chapter 5 of the Quick Reference Booklet.
5. The acquirer previously submitted an FRR claim transaction for the same debt.

| 80 |
Late Presentment
Processing Errors
The issuer must use good-faith efforts to collect the transaction amount from the cardholder before the issuer exercises this chargeback.
The issuer may use reason code 80 when all of the following conditions are met: • The transaction was authorized offline by the chip. • The transaction was submitted into clearing more than seven-calendar days after the transaction date. • The cardholder’s account is closed or the cardholder’s account does not contain sufficient funds to cover the transaction amount. |

| A01 |
Charge amount exceeds authorization amount
The amount of the authorization approval was less than the amount of the charge you submitted • Additional charges/fees were added to the charge amount after authorization approval was received, or • The cruise line, lodging, or vehicle rental total charge amount exceeds the amount you received authorization approval for by more than 15% and no additional authorization approval was obtained/ submitted, or • The restaurant total charge amount exceeds the amount you received authorization approval for by more than 20% and no additional authorization approval was obtained/submitted.

| A02 |
No valid authorization
The charge you submitted did not receive a valid authorization approval; it was declined or the Card was expired. • The authorization approval you submitted was not the same as you received (e.g., numbers were transposed), or • An authorization approval that is incorrect or does not correspond to the charge in question was submitted, or • The Card was expired.

| A08 |
Authorization approval expired
The charge was submitted after the authorization approval expired.You did not submit the charge before the authorization approval expired, or • You attempted to submit the charge during valid authorization approval time frame, but the submission was not received by American Express (e.g., technical issue). |

| AA |
Cardholder Does Not Recognize
Cardholder Dispute
The cardholder claims that he or she does not recognize the transaction appearing on the cardholder statement. The cardholder’s billing statement is incorrect; the buyer has forgotten the transaction; the cardholder does not recognize the billing descriptor; the customer was not aware that a family member used the card. |

| AP |
Canceled Recurring Transaction
Cardholder Dispute
The cardholder claims to have been charged for a canceled recurring transaction. The cardholder withdraws permission to charge the account or cancels payment for subscription; merchant neglects to cancel a recurring transaction; merchant processes a transaction after being notified the cardholder's account was closed; merchant raises the charge amount without informing the cardholder. |

| AT |
Authorization Non-compliance
The transaction was processed without a positive authorization response and/or contains an authorization response beyond the card's expiration date. Transaction was processed without electronic authorization, voice approval, or account verification. |

| AW |
Altered Amount
Cardholder Dispute
The amount in the authorization does not match the amount from the transaction (includes cash advance transactions). |

| C02 |
Credit not processed
Cardholder Dispute
We have not received the credit (or partial credit) you were to apply to the Card.Your response to the Inquiry notification indicates credit was or is being issued, but was never received or was not received for the amount you specified or the disputed amount. |

| C04 |
Goods/services returned or refused
Cardholder Dispute
The goods or services were returned or refused but the Card Member did not receive credit. • Card Member expected or was promised a refund for item/s returned or refused but credit was not issued/received, or • Card Member was billed before Credit was posted to their statement, or • Card Member does not understand your return or refund policy.

| C05 |
Goods/services canceled
Cardholder Dispute
The Card Member claims that the goods/services ordered were canceled. • Cancellation or return of goods/services ordered has not yet been processed, or • Card Member expected or was promised a refund for goods/services canceled and/or refused but credit was not issued/ received, or • Card Member was billed before the credit was posted to their statement, or • Card Member does not understand your cancellation, return, or refund policy, or • Card member does not understand your billing process and/or automatic billing / automatic renewal terms, or • Cancellation occurred after the automatic renewal of services/subscription or automatic renewal of weekly/monthly/ annual shipments of goods, or • Card Member unsuccessfully attempted to cancel goods/services (either cancelable or non-cancelable), or • Cancellation of service was not processed timely resulting in a charge that was processed after the Card Member canceled, or • Card Member refused or returned shipment of goods.

| C08 |
Goods/services not received or only partially received
Cardholder Dispute
The Card Member claims to have not received (or only partially received) the goods/services. • Full or partial services were not provided or all goods/merchandise not sent or picked up, or • Full or partial services were not provided or all goods/merchandise were not received by the agreed upon date/time, or • All goods/merchandise were not sent to the address specified by the Card Member, or • A portion of goods/services were not received making the entire order unusable/unacceptable, or • The goods/services ordered were canceled by your establishment and credit was not issued or received as expected or promised, or • Card Member expected or was promised a refund for goods/services not fully received but credit was not issued/received.

| C14 |
Paid by other means
Cardholder Dispute
The Card Member has provided us with proof of payment with another method. • Charge was billed to a Card number on file instead of the method provided for payment at the time goods/services were provided, or • Credit was not issued or received for the duplicate payment made by Card Member in the disputed charge/amount, or • Charge was paid for by another Card holder/person/guest/passenger, or • Card Member expected the disputed amount to be paid for by a third party (i.e. insurance related reimbursements for CDW costs or rental coverage while Card Member vehicle damage is being repaired).

| C18 |
“No show” or CARDeposit canceled
Cardholder Dispute
The Card Member claims to have canceled a lodging reservation or a credit for a CARDeposit charge was not received by the Card Member • Cancellation of reservation has not yet been processed, or • Card Member expected or was promised a refund for the canceled reservation but credit was not issued/received, or • Card Member was billed before the credit was posted to their statement, or • Card Member does not understand your cancellation policy/deadlines or refund policy, or •Card Member canceled outside your cancellation policy and/or does not understand your cancellation policy, deadlines, refund policy, or • Card Member unsuccessfully attempted to cancel the reservation, or • Cancellation was not processed timely resulting in a charge that was processed after the Card Member canceled.

| C28 |
Canceled recurring billing
Cardholder Dispute
Card Member claims to have canceled or attempted to cancel recurring billing charges for goods or services. • Cancellation of weekly/monthly/annual recurring services ordered has not yet been processed, or • Card Member expected or was promised a refund for recurring services canceled but credit was not issued/received, or • Card Member was billed before the credit was posted to their statement, or • Card Member does not understand service agreement terms/conditions or your cancellation, return, refund policy, or • Card Member does not understand your billing process and/or automatic billing/ automatic renewal terms, or • Cancellation occurred after the automatic renewal of services/subscription or automatic renewal of weekly/monthly/ annual shipments of goods, or • Card Member unsuccessfully attempted to cancel services (either cancelable or non-cancelable), or • Cancellation of service was not processed timely resulting in a charge that was processed after the Card Member canceled. • Card Member was billed for an Introductory Offer.

| C31 |
Goods/services not as described
Cardholder Dispute
The Card Member claims to have received goods/ services that are different than the written description provided at the time of the charge. • The goods/services provided or received differ from what was described and/or agreed upon at time of purchase, or • The quality of the goods/services provided or received are inferior to what was described and/or agreed upon at time of purchase, or • Card Member expected or was promised a refund but credit was not issued/received.

| C32 |
Goods/services damaged or defective
Cardholder Dispute
The Card Member claims to have received damaged or defective goods/services. • Goods/merchandise arrived in or services delivered in a damaged or defective state and/or make the entire order unusable/ unacceptable, or • Card Member does not understand your policies for damaged or defective goods/ services received, or • Card Member expected or was promised a refund for damaged or defective goods/ services but credit was not issued/ received.

| CD |
Credit Posted as Card Sale
Cardholder Dispute
The cardholder was debited for a transaction that should have been a credit. |

| DA |
Declined Authorization
A declined transaction is presented for processing. The merchant does not request authorization; the merchant makes multiple attempts on a card that is declined, or otherwise attempts to force, circumvent, or override a declined authorization. |

| DP |
Duplicate Processing
Cardholder Dispute
The merchant tries to submit multiple batches at one time; the transaction has multiple receipts; the transaction is duplicated in the merchant's system; the transaction was processed but the cardholder paid for the same merchandise or service by other means. |

| EX |
Expired Card
The cardholder challenges the validity of a transaction because the card had expired at the time. Card expired before the transaction date; the merchant processed the transaction without authorization; the card was valid at the time of transaction but expired before the transaction was processed. |

| F10 |
Missing imprint
The Card Member claims they did not participate in this charge and you have not provided a copy of an imprint of the Card.
IMPRINT PROGRAM. • The Card was either not swiped or the chip was not successfully read at the time of transaction, or • Completed a card not present transaction, but did not identify the transaction as card not present transaction, or • Did not make a manual imprint of the card account information on the transaction receipt for a manual/key-entered transaction.

| F14 |
Multiple ROC's
The Card Member claims they participated in one valid Transaction with your Establishment, however, the Card Member denies participation in the additional and subsequent Transactions that were submitted by you.Card Member acknowledges using their Card for a valid purchase with the Merchant, but then additional Transactions were submitted by the Merchant which the Card Member denies knowledge of the suspected additional Transactions. |

| F24 |
No Card Member authorization
The Card Member denies participation in the charge you submitted and you have failed to provide proof that the Card Member participated in the charge.A transaction was submitted for a mail order, telephone order, or internet charge that Card Member did not participate in or authorize, or • Card Member’s Card or Card number has been compromised and used fraudulently by someone other than Card Member, or • Card Member’s Card was lost/stolen or not in Card Member’s possession and was used fraudulently by someone other than Card Member. |

| F29 |
Card Not Present
The Card Member denies participation or denies receiving the goods or services or benefiting from a charge.
NOTE: NOT APPLICABLE TO DIGITAL WALLET APPLICATION- INITIATED TRANSACTIONS. • Card Member does not recall participating in the purchase/transaction, or • Card Member’s Card or Card number has been compromised and used fraudulently by someone other than Card Member, or • Card Member’s Card was lost/stolen or not in Card Member’s possession and was used fraudulently by someone other than Card Member.

| F30 |
EMV Counterfeit
The Card Member denies participation in the Charge and a counterfeit Chip Card was used at a POS system where the Transaction was not processed as a Chip Card Transaction because either the POS system was unable to process a Chip Card or the Transaction was manually keyed. Note: Not applicable for contactless Transactions and Digital Wallet payments.Card Member’s Card or Card number was compromised and used fraudulently by someone other than Card Member. |

| F31 |
EMV lost/stolen/non-received
The Card Member denies participation in the Charge and chip Card with PIN capabilities was lost/stolen/ non-received and was used at a POS system where the transaction was not processed as a chip Card Transaction with PIN validation because either the POS system is not an enabled chip-and-PIN POS system, or the Transaction was manually keyed.
NOTE: NOT APPLICABLE TO CONTACTLESS TRANSACTIONS AND DIGITAL WALLET PAYMENTS, AND CHARGES THAT QUALIFY UNDER THE NO SIGNATURE/NO PIN PROGRAM. • Card Member’s Card or Card number has been compromised and used fraudulently by someone other than Card Member, or • Card Member’s Card was lost/stolen or not in Card Member’s possession and was used fraudulently by someone other than Card Member.

| FR2 |
Fraud Full Recourse Program
The Card Member denies authorizing the charge and your establishment has been placed in the Fraud Full Recourse Program.The Merchant number under which the disputed charge was submitted is enrolled in the Full Fraud Recourse program. |

| FR4 |
Immediate Chargeback Program
The Card Member has disputed the charge and you have been placed in the Immediate Chargeback Program.The Merchant number under which the disputed charge was submitted is enrolled in the Immediate Chargeback program. |

| FR6 |
Partial Immediate Chargeback Program
The Card Member has disputed the charge and you have been placed in the Partial Immediate Chargeback Program.The Merchant number under which the disputed charge was submitted is enrolled in a Partial Immediate Chargeback program and the dispute amount is within the corresponding threshold (e.g., up to $20, $25, $50, $100, or $250). |

| IC |
Illegible Sales Data
Cardholder Dispute
A requested sales receipt was provided but was not legible. |

| IN |
Invalid Card Number
Processing Errors
The card number used for the transaction is not assigned to a valid account, or not assigned to the cardholder. |

| LP |
Late Presentment
Processing Errors
The transaction was completed past the required time limits. The merchant does not process a transaction in a timely manner; the account was no longer in good standing at the time of processing. |

| M01 |
Chargeback authorization
Not Classified
We have received your authorization to process a Chargeback for the charge.The reply you sent/provided in response to an Inquiry Notification authorized American Express to process a Chargeback for the disputed charge/amount. |

| M10 |
Vehicle rental — capital damages, theft or loss of use
Cardholder Dispute
The Card Member claims to have been incorrectly billed for capital damages, theft or loss of use.Card Member expected the disputed amount to be paid for by a third party (i.e. insurance related reimbursements for CDW costs or rental coverage while Card Member vehicle damage is being repaired). • The amount charged does not match the amount the Card Member agreed to pay • The amount charged does not match the documented amount shown in the itemized record of charge • The Card Member claims they did not cause some or all of the damage for which they were charged • Card Member unsuccessfully attempted to cancel the reservation, or • Cancellation was not processed timely resulting in a charge that was processed after the Card Member canceled. |

| NA |
No Authorization
The transaction was processed without authorization. The merchant does not request authorization; the merchant waits a day or more before requesting authorization; the merchant requests authorization for one amount, then changes the total before processing. |

| NC |
Not Classified
Not Classified
Any claims of invalid transactions which do not fall under any other classification. The merchant's attempts to resolve the issue were unsuccessful; other reasons specific to the claim. |

| P01 |
Unassigned Card number
Processing Errors
You have submitted a charge using an invalid or incorrect Card number.
CARD NUMBER.You processed the transaction to an account number that no longer exists (e.g.- card was canceled or replaced) or • You did not receive an authorization approval for the transaction and it was manually processed to an account number that is invalid, or • Automatic weekly/monthly/annual recurring billings using a Card number that no longer exists, or • Automatic renewal of services/ subscription or automatic renewal of weekly/monthly/annual payments using a Card number that no longer exists. |

| P03 |
Credit processed as charge
Processing Errors
The Card Member claims the charge you submitted should have been submitted as a credit.A credit that the Card Member was expecting was not issued, or • A credit due to the Card Member was inadvertently submitted as a debit, or • A credit was issued, but it was not processed before the Card Member received their latest billing statement • A transaction was inadvertently processed that should have been voided/canceled, but was processed instead. |

| P04 |
Charge processed as credit
Processing Errors
The Card Member claims the credit you submitted should have been submitted as a charge.A debit that the Card Member was expecting was not issued, or • A debit due to the Card Member was inadvertently submitted as a credit or • A debit was issued, but it was not processed before the Card Member received their latest billing statement • A transaction was inadvertently processed that should have been voided/canceled, but was processed instead. |

| P05 |
Incorrect charge amount
Processing Errors
The charge amount you submitted differs from the amount the Card Member agreed to pay • An incorrect amount was erroneously submitted and a correction credit was not issued, or • Charge amount was greater than Card Member expected (e.g., due to addition error, shipping or handling fee, taxes, delayed charges, restocking fee, etc.), or • Charge amount is greater than Card Member recalls or agreed to pay for the goods/services purchased, or • Credit was less than Card Member expected (e.g., credit included a deduction from the original charge amount for a cancellation/change fee, restocking fee, fuel refilling fee or late vehicle return, etc.).

| P07 |
Late submission
Processing Errors
The charge was not submitted within the required time frame.The charge was authorized but was submitted after the authorization expired. |

| P08 |
Duplicate charge
Processing Errors
The individual charge was submitted more than once.A correction or offsetting credit was not issued or received for a duplicate file/ transaction submission processed, or • Transaction details (date, amount, descriptors, etc.) for each disputed charge are identical or similar, or • Card Member claims only one (1) purchase was made and only one (1) charge is valid, or • Card Member claims their online purchasewas not completed or failed (e.g., technicalissues) and later made a new purchasethat successfully accepted/completed, or • Card Member is not aware of, or does not remember weekly/monthly recurring billings and believes the charge is a duplicate. |

| P22 |
Non-matching Card number
Processing Errors
The Card number in the submission does not match the Card number in the original charge.The Card number provided in your charge submission does not match the Card for which the authorization approval was obtained. |

| P23 |
Currency discrepancy
Processing Errors
The charge was incurred in an invalid currency.A charge was processed in a different currency than that for which the Card Member provided consent to be billed. |

| PM |
Paid by Other Means
Cardholder Dispute
Cardholder was charged for a transaction that was processed using an alternate form of payment. The merchant didn't void multiple transactions. |

| R03 |
Insufficient reply
Not Classified
Complete support and/or documentation were not provided as requested.THE REPLY/SUPPORT YOU PROVIDED IN RESPONSE TO AN INQUIRY NOTIFICATION INCLUDES: • Information and/or an explanation that is incomplete or does not fully address the dispute reason or specific claims made by Card Member, or • Documentation that is incomplete (e.g., missing cancellation/return/refund policy, agreement terms/conditions, or specific information/support requested), or • Documentation that does not correspond to the disputed charge/amount or Card Member, or • An explanation that partial credit is due/ being issued, but the remaining amount disputed is not explained or supported (e.g., non-refundable cancellation fee per policy/terms). |

| R13 |
No reply
Not Classified
We did not receive your response to our Inquiry within the specified time frame. • A reply/support for the Inquiry Notification was not sent/provided or never received (intentional or unintentional), or • The reply/support you sent/provided in response to an Inquiry Notification was received after the reply due date.

| RG |
Non-Receipt of Goods or Services
Cardholder Dispute
The merchant delays delivery; the merchant charges the cardholder prior to shipping, delivery, or completion of service. |

| RM |
Quality Discrepancy
Cardholder Dispute
The cardholder claims that the goods or services were defective or not as described prior to the transaction. |

| RN2 |
Credit Not Received
Cardholder Dispute
The cardholder refused delivery of goods or services or returned merchandise and credit was not processed. Cardholder refused delivery of goods or services and has not received a credit. |

| UA01 |
Fraud/Card Present Environment
A fraudulent transaction was made using the actual credit card, according to the cardholder. |

| UA02 |
Fraud/Card-Not-Present Environment
Cardholder claims a fraudulent transaction was made in a card-absence environment. |

| UA05 |
Fraud/Counterfeit Chip Transaction
The cardholder claims to not have been involved in a transaction that was processed using an EMV/chip terminal. |

| UA06 |
Fraud/Chip-and-Pin Transaction
The cardholder claims to not have been involved in a transaction that was processed using a hybrid card at a stripe-only terminal of a chip-capable terminal not equipped with a PIN pad. |

| UA10 |
Request Transaction Receipt (swiped card transactions)
Issuer requests documents for a transaction the cardholder claims was fraudulent (card-present.) Transaction signature does not match the card signature; cardholder discovers fraud. |

| UA11 |
Cardholder claims fraud (swiped transaction, no signature)
The cardholder claims this activity was fraudulent (card-present). Merchant did not obtain signature on a transaction; cardholder discovers fraud. |